finally decided,,, what ya think SOG


Active Member
i want to do a sog set up 4 tables 9-12 plants on each table

should i order a 1000w for each table... or i was thinking of having 2 tables night and 2 tables day so i can just buy 2 1000w and switch them over...

also i was going 2 buy 2 mh bulbs for the 1st and last table(or just one if i do the day/night thing) but im really really leaning twords just buying the 4 1000w becuz i dont really want 2 grow at night(they cant use their little flir camras during the day)

im still confident that even if for some reason if i had 2 do the day/night set up(maby 2 much electricty or somthing) i wiill have it set up so that they wont be able 2 detect my heat reguardless

my goal per table for 9 plants is 1 pound every harvest(2oz a plant)

my goal if i do 12 is 1.5pounds every harvest(2oz a plant)

so around 4p's a month give or take(i have air cooled hoods, sealed room, panda black/white walls) all the gizmos and gadgets you need 2 run a proper grow room

got abouy $5000 saved up for this project

im a novice grower iv done a few indoor small 1 light grows and a few 10-20plant outdoor grows but im really confident in doing all the cloning and watering and all that stuff that most people freak out about

also last questions.... would i be wasting space 2 just do the 12 plants?(could i fit 26?)

what are the cons vs pros of 12 plants vs 16 plants under 1 1000w

anything else you need 2 know just ask(getting everything once im 100% confident on how im doing this and what i need..... will post mad pics for u all 2 c)



Active Member
also the room for this is 12x12x10 so that 1440.....

i want my 4 lights air cooled so does that mean i need 4 fans... and if so should i get a 400cfm fan so that would be 1600cfm be blown from the room? or how should i set that up