No no you don't. Lol still so dumb.That's all fine and good, but I need LP paperwork to cover my ass.
just the way I see it...
Your paper work from your doctor is legal and all you need. Make some copies and carry a copy with you. LP don't make things legal - they just take your money - send you crap.That's exactly it. This is just the way you see it.
There are varying degrees of need, but there aren't varying degrees of legal.
Treating yourself with "anything you want" is not how it works. If I want to be able to treat in public, when I travel, etc I need legal documentation.
cover your ass...That's all fine and good, but I need LP paperwork to cover my ass.
cover your ass...
still hiding in plain site are Odd?
You haven't explained things very well or the right way to your wife,
and she to is confused about how this who deal is working.
Definitely NOT what you think but they surely want you to and it is working as you are proof of it.
If you are sick. You treat yourself how every you wish with what ever is LEGAL (thats everything and anything for sick people)
guess what Odd?!?!?!
if those two key points don't help you with out me saying it out right..
Hey man..I'm sorry!
The truth can do what ever you like if you are sick...
No license. No LP,
You can get it where EVER you like,,, THAT IS YOUR CHOICE and YOUR RIGHT if you are sick!!!!
you seem to miss those key points here which leads me to think you have nothing to cover your behind and you are purely recreation and this topic is a waste of anyones time!
just the way I see it... you being here this long should really know better by now.
He's incoherant. Sounds borderline psychotic......OR, a whole 'nother level of stupidYes? No?
I can't understand you anymore.
hahahahahahahaahahahahaha.....You obviously haven't met my wife
sad to see you were forced but good on ya o cover your ass so if you're stopped, you can show the paperwork.Done and done.
TilRay plus 2 copies of prescription to use with dispensaries.
Holy Christ this is another level of stupid.
Hypothetically lets say one has ADHD
Methamphetamine can be perscribed for ADHD. Guess what, you cant get caught with meth and claim you're legally entitled to have it just because you have ADHD.
Its dumbfucks like you that set the cause behind.
Cheers bigears lol...cover your ass...
still hiding in plain site are Odd?