Finally got HID! How far away is OK?


Well-Known Member
I just got a 175w MH... I know it's not the best but hey, it's better than 2 CFL's which I've used since I started years ago. And I'm flowering using the sun... It really doesn't seem like it gets that hot. I put my 2 week old buddies 8" underneath it for now. I put my hand right above the canopy and the back of my hand felt warm...but not hot. Is this okay or am I gonna burn my little friends?

If I put my hand a couple inches lower it doesn't feel warm at all... Let me know ASAP please so I can go adjust.
Well if its not burning your hand it should be good for your plants.Just make sure to keep a eye on them to make sure they dont grow into the bulb and get burned.


Well-Known Member
If it does not feel too hot, you are fine. Watch your plants and if it is not burning it, then you are good. If the plant starts stretching, then you should move it closer. If you have grown for years with cfl's, then it should be fairly common sense to you.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
The hand rule is a good standard. ahnd at top fo highest plants and then lower light til the back of your hand just gets uncomfortable if any issue come up back off 2 inches


Well-Known Member
yeah the more air movement..or exhaust if u have 1 makes for keeping ur HID closer..use ur hand for common sense..but if ur having to keep it too far away because of heat youll yield to resolve that beef up ur ventillation to keep light close at possible..PeAce


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys! I've just never had a big ass growlight like this before, cfl's are such a bitch!


Mr I Can Do That For Half
lol I like how the 175 watter is A Big ASS grow light just sounds funny since to me that would be like sidelighting but when your new it seems like the sun in your house lol much better then cfls though thats for sure good grows with it wait til you get your 600 watter or 1000 watter later on


Well-Known Member
i always wanted like a 150 mh something small for clones that have rooted... def big improvement from cfls


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, I know im not as cool as all of you guys that have money! Hah jk but seriously I'll take a free MH any day to replace the CFL's I have... I'm pretty good at doing the best with what I have and If you look at my plants I don't think you could tell it's only a 175 because I keep it 2 inches from my plants and LST'd them so that all the branches are at the same level as the Apical Tip... No stretching or burning going on. I don't have a job so buying a stronger light is out of the question... but I do live an a rural area so if the MH isn't nearly enough to flower big fat nugs then I'll just flower them outdoors.