finally got my indoor grow on


Well-Known Member
damn nice man
ever since i topped that second time my plant has just became a bush
this is the one i topped the most.. you cant even see the main cola area anymore... that is why i topped it a few more times... think this is going to be my biggest lady



Well-Known Member
looking great man, cant tell it's your first grow
thanks, i did a crap load of research before i started this grow... havent had any problems yet(knock on wood) and am using the right lights (switched to a 1000 watt hps light now) and have some decent nutes


Well-Known Member
woo hoo, goin to be growin legally now, just got the health canada exemption forms filled out today, 8-10 weeks and will have my cardbongsmilie:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
well here are some pics of my girls... sorry its been a week, went outa town for a bit... sorry i think a couple are a bit blurry... oh well batteries in the camera died before i could take too many

day 48(i think)
day 18 of flower
