Finally, its a grow..


Active Member
Thanks! The plant is on 18/6 and has been since day 1. Im not looking for the worlds best results. Just presentable herb if u catch my drift. I would add another plant but it doesn't seem worth while since I am using CFLs. For my next grow I will look into hps lights but we will see


Active Member
Keep it up dude. I've seen decent results with CFL's so don't get discouraged man.
thanks! I'm never discouraged, just starting to realize that there is always something u can do to make results better. I think my only problem now is temps, but I'm not going to go get a portable a/c unit to solve that problem for one plant.


Active Member
CFL's to the touch are about 100^f. I have a fan blowing up(hopefully away from the plants). As far as I am aware, the temp is about 90 degrees. I know this is too hot, with that said, does it harm the plant?


Active Member
I've got about 240 true watts of cfl going in a small grow box 24-7 and all I have is a regular sized oscillating fan in there, and although a few leaves have 'crisped', the plants are thriving. I wouldn't worry man


Active Member
Well here we are, going away for another few days. will be back on friday night/saturday.
Day 19:
Added a thermometer, 83 degrees, Added a oscillating fan.

Untitled by kevin50022, on Flickr

I was afraid it was a heat problem as to why the leaves were curling but its nutes. She needed water today so I added a lil more perlite and watered with a lil too much water to flush it out for a second. 22 fl of water

Untitled by kevin50022, on Flickr

Untitled by kevin50022, on Flickr


Well-Known Member
I'm cheering for your plant man! Also, I'm sending good vibes!!! mmmMMMmmMmmMmMMmMMmmmMmmMmM <(that's what a vibe sounds like)


Active Member
oh hell ya thanks man! scared me with ur ray gun for a sec. does anyone have a suggestion on water i should get for my next watering? whats the most important aspect?


Active Member
Day 22:
She looked bigger after we got home! Today we feed with just water and since i added the last perlite in it, watering every 3 days or so is right. Temps get a lil hot, bordering 90's during the heat of the day but i think all is well.

Untitled by kevin50022, on Flickr


Active Member
its startin to look healthy now man. keep doin what your doin right now from here on and you should be good. i wish you could get those temps down about 5 degrees though


Active Member
its startin to look healthy now man. keep doin what your doin right now from here on and you should be good. i wish you could get those temps down about 5 degrees though
cool thanks! temps average at about 86 so i think were golden there.. A/c is kept on most of the day but while we were gone it was just chillen in its own heat.
We stopped using nutes.. which is a bummer with how $$ they were. Any suggestions to boost her up? and when should we use the nutes? I'm dying to use tiger bloom once its time. I think in a week or so Ill try hitting it with a 1/8 serving of nutes but we'll see.
Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
As long as air flow is good and the strain can handle slightly higher temps you will be fine. Keep it up.


Active Member
thanks! does anyone think its time to transplant? shes in a 1 gal and we'd transplant to a 4 or 5 gal. I think its a 4... what do you think?


Active Member
wow, looking good man. Way better then last time I was checkin it out.
I would transplant before it gets too big, then lst it


Active Member
I'm really curious about LST. I'm down to do it but my girl likes watching the plant get tall and grow.. I know an answer is impossible, but about how much more would I expect? Extra 10 grams? I'm shooting for 1oz as is.


Active Member
Should I add more lights for veg? I have 136 watts overhead. I plan on vegging for 2 weeks longer max.. Should I move lights to the side? Or just hold tight until I flower and add 6 more lights around the sides?


Active Member
More light the better, keep it up man, in my opinion its all a big experiment, when you see what works best, you stick with it, I have CFLs all around my plants, on all sides.