By the way. The best Coke is not yellow but a pure snow white with a crystal structure that cleaves in flakes. You may see tiny veins of light blue or pink within. The finest cocaine seems to deliver hints of different flavors but the subtle taste of bubble gum is an indicator that the substance is breaking down - that is not necessarily a bad thing in this case because you know that in all likelyhood it was very pure to begin with and was simply stored improperly. I could go on about how it was and is manufactured, what solvents are now being used and how many times there is an oil residue left from improper manufacture. In my experience of late, most coke is not very pure not because it is heavily cut but because it is so poorly made to begin with. In the old days, on rare occasions, inside of kilos i have found woman's fist sized clumps of pure coke that, when cut open looked like geodes, the center of which was a clear crystal cavity - this stuff, the crystals in the center, for what ever reason, was a delight to the senses - it crushed like wet ice, it refracted the light like diamonds, it gave off the sligtest hint of remaining acetone and was pure joy to ingest.