finally....what do i expect though.???


Well-Known Member
and nope cut off certain leaves to allow lights to reach bottom leaves since cfl bulbs can only penertrate so much....guessing you use mh or hps since you didnt know that...
i use hps to flower, cfls for veg for a week or so. i keep leaves alone i dont touch them.


Well-Known Member
i'm waiting on the hydro dudes to chime in cause my little experience is in soil and it seems it's not what i was thinkin as your grow formula has macro and micro nutes in it and you seem to have your p.h. cool for what little i do know of hydro from playin with my diy cloner. however do you mean that you are feeding both veg and grow formulas together during veg?


yea i have to add open sesame next week im probally gonna change out the water this week since i didnt do it last week......and as you see they are just really turning that color lately


Well-Known Member
as long as its hydro and not soil then i'm gonna say you have a defeciency , fox farms what exactly ?

leaf tip burn ONLY happens whens theres TOO MUCH of something. look at the plant. it could very well be a nitrogen toxicity, with those dark ass green leaves. cut back on the nutes a bit, and let it grow. a plant that small doesnt need much in terms of nutrients.

what to expect for yield? they say 1g per watt is optimal, 1/2gram per watt is average. either way, that doesnt matter yet, you got a LOOOOONG TIME before you can start to figure out yield. let it grow, top it, let the new colas' grow, top those, let those new cola's grow, top them too. then let it grow and grow and tie down the branches so its more of a bush then a tree, then switch to flower.

leave the fan leaves, only remove those when they are dying, or if air flow is low, or if the light cant penetrate down enough.

i veg with CFL's, and flower with HPS 250w and i get about 120g off each plant with 4 under that 1 light. ends up being 2grams per watt, but i stagger out the grows, i stick a new one into flower every 2 weeks, and harvest every 2 weeks. so right now, i have one thats 1 week in, another at 3, another at 5, and another at 7 thats close to done. i also top the shit out of them, tie them down, and by the time they go into flower, i expect to have atleast 7-8 tops on each plant. this slows down the growth a bit, and makes me have to water almost every day, but it increases yield, a lot.


Well-Known Member
..... however do you mean that you are feeding both veg and grow formulas together during veg?
i do this. i have about 6 different nutes, and i use ALL of them from start to finish. the ratios are what i change. for veg i use more veg nutes, and less bloom nutes, and vice versa. but i use all the entire grow. helps reduce shock from changing out food, and prevents deficiencies.

to each their own i suppose, but my babies like it

*edited for spelling*


Well-Known Member
yah you want a hydro guy , but the first picture looks like mine did when i was using botanicaire pro gro and it was definately defeciencies , once i switched to dynagro foliage pro with everything in one bottle prob solved . defeciencies can sometimes look like toxicity.

Weed Anubis

Well-Known Member
i feel the humidity deff around 80 or higher when i walk in the closet....and temp is around 75-85 with and air circulation is good due to closet being right next to window...
well the temp is right but humidity needs to be between 40-60 any higher with those temps will stunt growth and promote the growth of mold and fungus put an inline fan in there with some ducting to outside and get a way to check temp to know hum.


Well-Known Member

leaf tip burn ONLY happens whens theres TOO MUCH of something. look at the plant. it could very well be a nitrogen toxicity, with those dark ass green leaves. cut back on the nutes a bit, and let it grow. a plant that small doesnt need much in terms of nutrients.

what to expect for yield? they say 1g per watt is optimal, 1/2gram per watt is average. either way, that doesnt matter yet, you got a LOOOOONG TIME before you can start to figure out yield. let it grow, top it, let the new colas' grow, top those, let those new cola's grow, top them too. then let it grow and grow and tie down the branches so its more of a bush then a tree, then switch to flower.

leave the fan leaves, only remove those when they are dying, or if air flow is low, or if the light cant penetrate down enough.

i veg with CFL's, and flower with HPS 250w and i get about 120g off each plant with 4 under that 1 light. ends up being 2grams per watt, but i stagger out the grows, i stick a new one into flower every 2 weeks, and harvest every 2 weeks. so right now, i have one thats 1 week in, another at 3, another at 5, and another at 7 thats close to done. i also top the shit out of them, tie them down, and by the time they go into flower, i expect to have atleast 7-8 tops on each plant. this slows down the growth a bit, and makes me have to water almost every day, but it increases yield, a lot.
They are absolutely overfertilized...which will stunt the growth of the plants and also the roots..that is why the plant is so "short" or "compact" it doesn't have the energy to stretch upwards because of all the it takes awhile to recover from in most cases...or rather it is like a bad just have to wait and grow it out just cut all the old stuff off...or...when in flower when the plant starts to kinda purge it's nutes and sugars still in the living leaves it ends up getting too much if you leave the older overdone growth there, because excess nitrogen just kinda collects in older for every new leaf you get cut an old one off until all the leaves look nice again...then you should be ready to flower...