Finaly! My two new grow rooms!


Both rooms will have inside dimensions of 4 feet by 6 feet with a 7 foot ceiling.

Each room will have a centered 36 inch wide solid door and in the center of the outside, there will be a 42" x 42" cabinet with a Can Filter-100 in-line with Exhaust fans at the peak of the centerline of both grow rooms. The intakes will be vented for passive flow with an "S", black interior a/c tube against the outside wall of the grow rooms, between that and the filter-box.

Each room will have 8 ebb and flow 10 gallon grow tubs and it's own reservoir.

I'll be able to start a new crop by moving an entire tub with a rooted seedling in it and vegged for 32 days, from the cloning room (my current grow room), and into either of the new rooms for flowering. I plan to alternate the harvests from the two room each 33 days.

Here's the pics so far. I've tried to start at a point where someone can follow from start to finish, including another followup Journal for the two grows.

This will finally give me the space I've wanted for so very long.

One room for nothing but Host Plants. Another room for nothing but rooting and vegging the cuts. Then two rooms for doing nothing but flowering.

I hope to get about 2 lbs from each room on each harvest.

2 pounds per/month is perfect for me. Keeps me and the bill collectors happy.

My last crop in my current room was 21 ozs in only 19 square feet, using only 4 tubs.

This time I'll have 24 square feet and will be using 8 tubs.

Vegging using LEDs for 33 days, (see my current grow doing this):

to about 20 inches with no topping or LST.

Then 860w of HPS to harvest in the next room.

Now I have to figure out where I'm going to dry it all. I just filled up my old drying space with grow rooms....haha

Anyway, here's the pics so far:




Well-Known Member
Looks like you've got quite the project on your hands! :) 860w of flower power would be a tough one to yield two pounds with, but I'm mostly curious about the veg led's and how that'll stack up. Sub'd. :) GL!


Looks like you've got quite the project on your hands! :) 860w of flower power would be a tough one to yield two pounds with, but I'm mostly curious about the veg led's and how that'll stack up. Sub'd. :) GL!
Thanks researchkitty!

There are a few variables that you aren't aware of with my methods and the strain that I'm growing.

I'll list them:

1. I've now harvested several crops using the same methods. My latest crop was 21 ounces from 19.25 sq. ft. using the same 860 watts that I'll be using in the new rooms.

2. The square footage increase equals 19.78% in area.

3. I've increased the grow tubs to 8, which is a 100% increase in rooting area and makes the utilization of the area more even and increases the vegetative growth per/day remarkably due to the increased foliage within only the 19.78% increase in area.

4. By not using LST or topping, the plants will grow taller, faster. This increase in vertical growth will, I hope, enable the cubic area of the room to be filled faster with 1 main and 5 rapid growing side branches that bud all the way to the media level on each of the 8 plants.

5. Moving lumens per/sq ft from roughly 6 thousand, down to 4.8 thousand lumens per/sq ft is quite a drop, but I'll be altering the reflector position to gain more usable lumens and will be able to keep the lights slightly closer due to increased efficiency of the cooling of the room. I think the closer light will offset the decreased lumens if the lights had been used at the same height as before.

6. I've also increased the time in which the plants will be in the vegetative state from only 14 days to 33 days. The increased height at the beginning of flowering may also help in increased cola size and length. This in turn will hopefully increase the yield.

7. The strain I'm growing has massive growth of side branching. They reach almost to the same height as the main cola. The colas on each side branch will also increase in size when allowed taller growth with the 4.8 thousand lumens per/sq ft that I'm going to have. I'll have to see. I may move up to a pair of 600's or even use three 430's instead of two for even lighting.

8. My last crop was the first that I used the LEDs on for vegging. The increase in harvest weight was 10.5%. I've vegged them twice as long and to twice the size that I did on that crop. The buds on my last crop, using the LEDs, grew solid, tight buds with the same potency as top buds, all the way to the level of the grow media. If that is the case this time, the increased height of the plants may increase the total weight of each branch also. If I reach my 32 oz cured weight, it'll be a 52% increase from the smaller grow. That is one hell of an increase.

I hope I'm right.

Well, those are the differences I've tried to cover. It's all theory until the first crop is harvested from my new grow room.

Watch along and you and I will both learn more as this progresses.

It's going to be an interesting ride I hope.

(If I can stop dropping lights on my plants....Yikes!)

EDIT: After rethinking the light again, I decided to use an additional 430w HPS in the flowering room. This will give me a lumen per/sq ft count of 7,300. I believe that will help me make my 32oz goal also.


Ok, the wall separating the two grow rooms is installed as are both doors.

Remaining steps are:

1. Installing the plywood shadow box over the window in the reservoir area. That will finish making the entire room light proof from outside.

2. Trimming in both new rooms and caulking all possible light gaps.

3. Cutting the holes for the exhaust tubes that will go to the Can-Filter and installing the filter.

4. Cutting the holes for the passive intakes and installing the tubing on them.

5. Drilling holes for the reservoir supply and return lines for both rooms and installing the reservoirs.

6. Installing the 16 tubs and PVC for the Ebb and Flow in both rooms.

7. Filling tubs with Hydroton and flushing the system.

8. Growing the first round of LED vegged clones for the first room.

Whew! It's coming along. It was just a couple weeks ago that the room was filled with bedroom stuff. Now it's over half-way to being a pair of awesome grow rooms!


Well-Known Member
im subbed id definatly like to see how this works out you have a great idea on your hands friend i wish you the best of luck man ill be following. + rep aslo


I'm subbed. I'd defiantly like to see how this works out you have a great idea on your hands friend. I wish you the best of luck man. I'll be following. + rep also
Thanks pitbudz87! These two new rooms and the new process have been my dream for years. I've been growing in the current room for many years and while working in it, I've said so many times; "Man, I wish I had a couple of other rooms to grow in also. What I could do!"

Now I'm on the way to making my dream come true. My largest problem will be finding a home for all that weed! MMJ isn't happening in my state yet. I still have to do it the old fashioned way.

Thanks for the encouragement!


Well, moved a bit further this evening. Put weather striping on both doors to block light, but I got the thin stuff instead of the thick. I can still see light coming in, so off to the store to get the big thick stuff that I *know* will block all the light.

In one of the pics below, you can see the under-the-door slider. It has a foam tube inside the leather on both sides of the door and totally blocks the light from under the door.

There's a pic showing the new doors and one showing the inside as much as I could.

The fan you see on the left is on top of the Can-Filter100 which will be installed inside a manifold box between the two doors. That pic is coming soon.

The depth of the rooms is 4 feet. Each room is 6 feet long and 7 feet tall.





good work man I'm lovin watchin this come together
Well thanks pitbudz87! It's been in the planning stages for so long, sometimes I wondered if it would ever get done!

Here's some shots of the eight new grow tubs in their relative positions in one of the two rooms. The tubs are ten gallons.

I'll prep them with about 6 inches of hydroton in the bottom, and when I move the 8 inch net-pots with the vegged plants into the tubs, I'll set them on the hydroton with the tub partially filled with water and fill around the net-pot with additional hydroton. One plant per/tub.

I decided not to use the mobile tubs at first. I'll move the one-inch net-pots from rooting to inside the eight-inch net-pots in vegging. Then pick up the entire eight-inch net pot and plant and move it into the flowering room to each tub. I think that will be the easiest way to do this.

From the front:


To the left:


To the right:



keep up the pic's :)
I sure will, MrBackhand. This lets me have a good place to store the history of my efforts too.

cant wait to see u start
Me too! This will triple my current annual harvest weight. Using only one room, I've been averaging around 20 ounces every 100 days or so and with the new rooms and method, I'll have about 32 ounces every 35 days.

I picked up my 4 reservoirs yesterday evening. They have a nice short height and each holds 22.5 gallons. That will give me 45 gallons per/room. Perfect!

Both rooms will have one reservoir under the grow tubs. The reservoirs will all be enclosed within a wood box to help support the plastic and to also help keep out light. The one in the grow room will also help support the grow tubs that are sitting over it. The other reservoir for each room will be outside the room and connected to the inside one. This will keep their water levels the same and enable me to work with the reservoir during the dark period each day.

I'm calculating that each room will use about 4 or 5 gallons per/24 hours. The total volume being 45 gallons will give me a 9 to 11 day total volume replacement on the water/nutrients which is well within their life expectancy. This keeps me from every having to dump my reservoirs. This volume will allow me a long weekend away also, without worry of my pump running dry.


Well-Known Member
sounds great man looks like you have things really planned out man i am super stoked to watch this and see some plants go in there


sounds great man looks like you have things really planned out man i am super stoked to watch this and see some plants go in there
I've had enough time to think it out while I saved up money to make it happen. I can't wait until both rooms are doing what I intend. It's going to look so cool.

this is a pretty amazing setup. I can only imagine such a large scale grow.
Thanks FG, I've actually had dreams about it and building it. I plan to later put an auto mix, auto feed system on it and have a system that will raise the lights as needed also.

I'm trying to make the system have as little human intervention as possible so that later, when it's legal here, I'll be able to expand it to a much larger size to supply a dispensary.

I'll be able to hire a contractor and tell him; "See that big building over there? Duplicate this system 100 times in that building and let me know when you're finished."

Then it will be entirely legal and will make me and them very happy.

I already know how to grow world-class weed. By then, I'll have the money to build the larger setup and be practiced in the application of it's specific processes.

Until then, I'll continue to refine this two room setup and automate it to the point of having to do almost nothing but move the plants on their 35 day relocations, refill the concentrates and harvest the weed.

I'm shopping now for an electric trimmer. That will take the backache out of the process of harvesting. I'll really need it later, but I also need to learn how to use one effectively before then. I'll have to bite-the-bullet and put out the bucks now. That will be my next purchase after the three lights for the second room.

My third light came in for room one. As soon as it's finished, I'll be able to use it.

I'll be flipping my current crop to flower on Oct 2nd. That gives me 107 days to get the first room ready and 142 days to have the second room ready. After that, I'll be in full production on a 35 day progressive, continuous grow.

I'm also researching two automated CO2 systems for the flowering rooms too. I've never used CO2 and know almost literally nothing about using it. I know it will increase the growth rate and water/nutrient take-up between 30 to 50% from what I've read, but that's about it.


Sorry folks. I just found out that the servers for this site are in the USA. Too easy to trace. I'm gone.


Well-Known Member
dude dont bail in in texas been here since oct of 08 i belive man its safe brother i really wanna watch this come togther