Finding a bag in Hawaii?


Active Member
My fiance and I will be in Kapaa Hawaii the first week of July for our honeymoon, and one of the first things we're going to want to do is try and track down some ganja for the week.

Is there a Hawaii'n word we should know about or does anyone have any suggestions on how a tourist can find some herb on the island?

Thanks in advance!! is a fairly good travel guide for tokers, I've gone there a few times to check cities around my state. They don't list your particular one in Hawaii but maybe you can get a feel for it by the other ones available.
We've only traveled to Vegas together before. There it's easy, just wait for someone to walk buy you and mutter "party favors" lol. I'll check that site out Daxus! Thanks
We've only traveled to Vegas together before. There it's easy, just wait for someone to walk buy you and mutter "party favors" lol. I'll check that site out Daxus! Thanks

No problem hope it's helpful! Best of luck in your quest. :)

Don't ask this guy.
^ that guy HAS to be a huge stoner. With a name like Dog, you know he smokes whatever he can get his paws on.
make sure it real what ever you do..they may seem like nice cool ppl but the local islanders are hustlers and love to rip off tourist.

one scam they run is to hang out on the side of a road/parking lot they know tourist are going to be and smoke some bud. when

the "mark" smells the goods he goes over and asks. they smoke him out and then its the ol bate and switch...fucken pale faces just dont learn.

good luck.
lol, one time at the bus stop i saw a guy who was walking around with his hands in his pockets and lookin around. i had seen him talk to a few people really briefly so i thought there was a good chance he had some. he ended up having some lol. i wouldn't suggest this just because theres chances you will find yourself a UC cop but i mean if your realllly looking for it you gotta do what you gotta do.
The locals will not help you. Ask your bell hops etc at the hotel. In Hawaii we call it pakalolo. Dont bother with that it will only make you look silly. Just ask if they can get you any bud. I will say it is not going to be cheap. I grow so I havent bought any here in years but I remember it going for 125 a quarter oz. Good luck with your hunt. Oh and never give the cash up first... you wont see the guy again.
Thanks for all the help guys!! I figured calling it Pakalolo would probably make me look like a tool so I'll just stick with "bud" or "Mary Jane" or "Maui Wowie" lol

I will deff not give them the cash first as I read this over and over again lol. Hopefully we can find some there to make our Honeymoon worth it. Plus we'll be there for the 4th Of July so we GOTTA be blazed for the fireworks!!!
Thanks for all the help guys!! I figured calling it Pakalolo would probably make me look like a tool so I'll just stick with "bud" or "Mary Jane" or "Maui Wowie" lol

I will deff not give them the cash first as I read this over and over again lol. Hopefully we can find some there to make our Honeymoon worth it. Plus we'll be there for the 4th Of July so we GOTTA be blazed for the fireworks!!!
just say "buds". if you say maui wowie or some shit like that, you'll still look like a tool.
Last time I scored there it was right next door to the cop shop.
They seem to like veterans there, never had a prob. over weed there.
It's pretty easy... you'll notice certain weathered looking locals as well as younger skater kids who seem to hang out all day long at the same spot - including late at night, often blatantly toking up in public. I've never approached one of these people and not been catered to. Might not be the person you ask but if not they'll be happy to call up a friend for you.

If you're paranoid go up and ask them if they know where the local dispensary is - there are none from my understanding ;)