Finding dealer for pound quantities


Junior Creatologist
What a stupid topic, weed sells itself, there's no trick to it.

I'd recommend weighing out ounces and selling them at a festie since you don't know anybody. Only keep a couple on you, and best have a few quarters weighed out too.

Everyone is saying "nugs, who wants nugs" sell an ounce to that dude, and sell quarters to random people.

Jesus what an idiot.

-yeah there are naked chicks with weed all over the place :bigjoint:

At least in my bedroom :mrgreen:
great minds think alike sir :D


Junior Creatologist
seaman, askin questions like THAT is the typa shit that a cop would do. Wouldnt be worrying about the poster thats askin how he can offload a couple lbs in his area, its not like hes askin any of us to buy some. Id be worried about the person askin us about how WE unload our lbs onto other people - because that implies that we do, in fact unload lbs, and that would lead to us bein track n traced, n fuckin hempt up in fuckin handcuffs.

Dont ask a question like that in places like this ever in your life,n expect an answer from anyone with a brain.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I saw you post, I should've just quoted you, plus it's not like pigs don't know what goes on inside festies. I personally don't distribute at festies, I have a "broker."


Junior Creatologist
yeh havin a broker is smart, but then again the whole trust thing comes into play too. Thats the only bitch in out bizness, bein able to trust people. Its amazing how fast people go from trustworthy to snitch when time in jail is hung over their head, lol.


seaman, askin questions like THAT is the typa shit that a cop would do. Wouldnt be worrying about the poster thats askin how he can offload a couple lbs in his area, its not like hes askin any of us to buy some. Id be worried about the person askin us about how WE unload our lbs onto other people - because that implies that we do, in fact unload lbs, and that would lead to us bein track n traced, n fuckin hempt up in fuckin handcuffs.

Dont ask a question like that in places like this ever in your life,n expect an answer from anyone with a brain.
yeah, im a cop, the op is a cop, anyone who asks a question about selling weed is a cop. 1 out of 3 members on this forum are cops. so many paranoid people on this board.

you and howard aren't the brightest bulbs in the shed are you? all you two do is go around asking dumb questions and giving terrible advice. i doubt either of you two have ever even grown before based on the posts i've read. i truly hope you guys are teenagers otherwise you should probably eat a bullet.

two more people to add to the ignore many trolls, it's getting painful...


yeh havin a broker is smart, but then again the whole trust thing comes into play too. Thats the only bitch in out bizness, bein able to trust people. Its amazing how fast people go from trustworthy to snitch when time in jail is hung over their head, lol.
yeah you'd know right? all your experience and all...LMFAO...


im a fan of the ham and pineapple. also, bbq chicken pizza is pretty good also.

$toned che$$

Well-Known Member
No not me, my girlfriend, but the photographing wasnt nearly as fun as as the blunt and sex after the photo session. :fire:
lol that's kickass! I could use a hoe like that :-D I met mine while I was high but she hardly lets me smoke and she'd probably kill me if she knew I was growing :-/


Well-Known Member
lol. honestly, i got the triple deal package. comes with 3 sleeves and 1 case for like 100 bucks. i got ultra-tight, wave, and super ribbed. they really are a lot of fun. i got them because my wife has a sensitive vagina, and she complains if we have sex more then twice a day...and personally, i need at least four orgasms a day to keep me in my reigns!! hopefully this "need" subsides in a few years by the time i turn 21...


Well-Known Member
First off I would not post anything online about this sort of thing. Looks like your not one of the brightest bulbs in the box either!


Junior Creatologist
irony? dude shut the fuck up before u make yourself sound like an even bigger douchebag.

I didnt call you a cop. I said that THATS the type of question a cop would ask, as opposed to the person that is being accused of being a cop asked. I dont accuse people of being police when i dont have the facts, because im not a fucking douchebag, n wanna point fingers at people to make myself look cool. As far as U go, you pretty much just came off as somebody who thinks they know more than everyone else in your post where you basically called Fdd out, implying that he dont know shit about movin weight.

Second, im a first time GROWER you fuckin idiot. Im learning how to grow to save copious amounts of money. I didnt pick up my first blunt 2 months ago n decide i wanna start growing to be cool. Ive been smokin, ect.. for the better of 13 years, and im pretty fuckin sure that i know what im talking about. N i dont talk shit about people neither, its a waste of breath. Unless somebody says something or does something offensive to me first, theres no reason for me to say or do anything to offend anyone else.

So once again, quit gettin all butthurt, n shut your fuckin mouth. Go back to tryin to cosign to what other people say in every thread to make yourself sound intelligent you fuckin dick. End of conversation - i aint gonna get dragged into no stupid fuckin fight with someone that aint even worth a wrinkle in my nutsack.


stays relevant.
irony? dude shut the fuck up before u make yourself sound like an even bigger douchebag.

I didnt call you a cop. I said that THATS the type of question a cop would ask, as opposed to the person that you accused of being a cop asked. I dont accuse people of being police when i dont have the facts, because im not a fucking douchebag, n wanna point fingers at people to make myself look cool.

Second, im a first time GROWER you fuckin idiot. Im learning how to grow to save copious amounts of money. I didnt pick up my first blunt 2 months ago n decide i wanna start growing to be cool. Ive been smokin, ect.. for the better of 13 years, and im pretty fuckin sure that i know what im talking about. N i dont talk shit about people neither, its a waste of breath. Unless somebody says something or does something offensive to me first, theres no reason for me to say or do anything to offend anyone else.

So once again, quit gettin all butthurt, n shut your fuckin mouth. Go back to tryin to cosign to what other people say in every thread to make yourself sound intelligent you fuckin dick.
^^^ this guy is all like: :cuss:!!!! and we're all like :sleep: because he has't been bongsmilie as much as he has been :oops:


Seriously dude... no need to be a dick. RESPECT.