Well-Known Member
looking for sum input on humidity and temp.on my 1st grow(master kush) the temp avg approx 80 degrees and the humidity ranged from 45 w/the light on to 70 w/the lights out.i ended up with a $1200 light bill and stringy stress like smoke.i now have a crop white widow(dont want anymore $1200 stress,lol).ive added a dehumidifier to the mix that maintains a constant humidity of approx 40-45 rh.(this is the levels ive read the flower room should be at)my new problem is the humidifier adds alot more heat to the room(with the lights on and the dehumifier on the room now reaches around 90-93 degrees).is this temp to high for flowering?the difference in temp w/lights on and off is about 10-14 degrees.can any of mt fellow cultivators tell me if im good or need to make sum changes.also has anyone used CO2BOOST and should i use it to add co2.last but not least can i reroute my vent pipe from my natural gas water heater into the flower room to add co2 or is it too much co2???thanks to all for any insights and fat sticky buds for everyone