Well-Known Member
And Obamacare was not going to cost the taxpayers a dime because they were going to save so much money. Until it was 200 billion then 800 billion now much more than a trillion in spending. Cause you know... WE WERE ALREADY PAYING FOR IT!!!
Does anyone see the complete insanity with the above argument?
If we were already paying for it.... Why did fixing it and supposedly saving us money cost trillions more in tax dollars??
wow, you are a retarded person.
if, as you state, "obamacare was not going to cost the taxpayers a dime", then why did they project the costs of obamacare to be a certain amount?
and why, if as you state, it was "200 billion then 800 billion now much more than a trillion", why is obamacare costing 20% less than projected?
at least your inane bunch of lies got a like from resident retard and fellow racist ginwilly.