Finish the sentence above you!


Well-Known Member
george dead....

why dont all the riu members over 500 post meet up and have our own woodstock/smoke out and smoke in????


Well-Known Member
Now that sounds like a grand idea...i guess i need to satrt posting more!

If you knew you were going to die , you would....


Well-Known Member
ii cant die...ive been here since b4 time ii would just keep sow'n and reap'n

iif you could make your own strain wat would you mix'up?


Well-Known Member
i would have white ryder, White rhino/ lowryder

if i could only grow one strain for the rest of my life i would grow....


Well-Known Member
Wake up (smoke) work (smoke) home (smoke) and random stuff around the house.....(while smoking)

Longest you have ever gone without a toke?


Well-Known Member
12 that was in 82

if I could live anywhere in the world I would be in --------

*Amsterdam here been 4 times and love it..*
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Well-Known Member
Yeah probably anywhere in the Netherlands would kick ass for me......Amsterdam is kinda touristy though and thats not my thing.....

Ever think the mice are out to get you?


Well-Known Member
every day and I get proof from the cheese they leave in my bed!

if I ruled the world-----

The new market area of amsterdam is not so touristy.... fav coffee shop is right there also.


Well-Known Member
I would
1. Ban all Rap music
2. Order that all farmers grow some hemp (for the rope not the smoke)
and 3. Give the Dhali Lama his country back. (FREE TIBET!)

Ketsup or Ketchup?


Well-Known Member
the day i found out what marijuana truly was and how it could help alot of people become open minded and intelligent with the intention of only using it for a relaxation technique.

the only reason i go outside.........
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