Finish the sentence above you!

I tried taking juan and pedro back over the border of the US...but then got caught n arrested only for the border patrol to find 50 kilos of cocaine and 75 lbs of marijuana in the car I stole from pablo escabars couisins brother!

But Im defiently gonna...
raped by any wild hyennas...its mating season right now in mexico...dont ask me how i know that...but if you want to do a whole kilo in on night youll have too....
the point in time in wich a simple butt raping is no longer exceptable in societys veiw..
i mean really, how good does a simple butt raping feel when..
making me wear this hideous purple and chinchilla zebra stripe tube top everyday for three years.... shit..... i guess it beats giving handjob to dirty polish men in uganda.......i should have never.....