finishing out a DNA sharksbreath?

hey everyone hows it goin

just wonderin if anyone has finished a SB before as im now in week nine of flower, and its lookin nice :mrgreen:

only thing is im usin chem ferts mainly so im now flushing my second week til the end of the 9th, only its not really yellowing much. also started gettin some dark brown spots from the top down on some leaves im thinkin is cal mag def since i dont have cal mag but now am usin molasses to help out a bit

id say i def got a heavier indica pheno since im growin two other sativas and they are at 7 ft and goin in 3 gal buckets lol didnt think plants could do that, and the SB is 2 and a half ft .

anyways the hairs are about 50% - 70% for the most part except for the top of the main cola which is just nearin 50%

trics are about 30 - 40% amber now roughly

so my question is should the plant be yellowing heavy?
as it is still pretty green just barely exhibiting p def other than the aforementioned symptoms

also ive noticed with chem ferts if not properly flushed it seems to affect taste and smoke for me anyways with my grows is it a trait of the plant or do i need to start flushing real heavy?

any help will be repped sorry for the long post and no pics...


Well-Known Member
hmm, thats odd, it works when i click it.

in the top right, click on advanced search. then type sharksbreath into the search keywords box. then in the box next to it, set it to search titles only. then click search now.


Well-Known Member
no problem. it took me a little while to figure that out too. hope ya found what you're lookin for.