Fin's at it again

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:lol: I knew it. But you're subbed, so you'll see. It'll be fine. You're so worried about me Buck, it's cute :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

i am not subbed.

your plants are already dead. deader than lyndon b. johnson.

but i look forward to watching you burn your next batch of seedlings with goddamn manure.
No, the manure would come at repot.

You're still adding manure, so why did you say "No".

I said if they survive you will burn them with manure, I guess you thought by burn I meant adding it right now.

Unless you composted that manure for a few months it will burn the plant, manure has high amounts of ammonia and salt in it. These people telling you not to use manure aren't trolling you, they are trying to give you advice.
perhaps if you weren't such an immature spambot, people would simply give advice.

You always get confused. I'm not the spam bot, I just make the original post, then the replied. YOU guys are the ones spamming my shit, and reposting it more than I EVER could.
You always get confused. I'm not the spam bot, I just make the original post, then the replied. YOU guys are the ones spamming my shit, and reposting it more than I EVER could.

dude, you went through reviving nearly a dozen of your dead, retarded threads last night and telling people to look at your videos, which you post with annoying frequency. that is spam.

go ahead, use the manure. burn your plants and make your home smell like shit. you deserve it.
When I was 14, I thought it would be funny to sh!t into a Pringles I did. The log nearly filled the entire can. Then I got the brilliant idea to fill the rest of the can with water and leave it out in my backyard. It was winter at the time so I imagined it would freeze as a cylinder of ice with a log of sh!t in the middle. The next night, my drunk older brother (who was 16) and his buddies came stumbling through the backyard. One of them saw the can and decided to kick it. Instead of freezing, the can had turned into a chilled tube of diarrhea. It sprayed all over the guy who kicked its foot and his buddy's Philly Eagles jacket. I laughed my ass off as they washed my sh!t off their shoes and coat. One of them had a mustache (at 16) so I didn't give a phuck. They knew it was sh!t, but they never knew its origins.
Here you go Fin, I don't know why I'm trying to help you, you'll probably still try to use manure anyway.

The concept of "burning plants" is important to understand, and it involves a bit of chemistry.

Remember, in high school chemistry, the experiments about osmosis? This is where water with a high salt concentration is separated from water with no salt by a membrane. The membrane allows water to pass through, but not salt.

Water goes from a no-salt area to a high salt area by osmosis. This applies to any "salt," which by rough definition is a chemical, part positive and part negative, which usually dissolves in water. It includes not only table salt (sodium chloride) but many others.

Osmotic effects can also occur in the root zones of plants if roots are exposed to a high-salt concentration. It pulls moisture out of the roots and dehydrates the plant. This causes the same "leaf scorch" effect you would see in a summer drought. Leaves appear to be burned, and plants may wither and die.

All fresh manures contain large amounts of salts. This is the result of the normal intestinal function of animals. In manures, it is not the nutrients which do the damage to plants, it's the associated salts which dehydrate or "burn" plants.

Salts are greatly reduced in manures by composting for a few months. They are soluble in water and rainfall will wash them away.
spammy didn't have the common sense or patience to wait until he had soil to germinate his goddamn seeds, something tells me he won't be composting his manure for a few months before using it.
You want my honest advice? Well, I'll be happy to give you some. If I were you, I would work as hard as I can until I've squirreled away enough savings to go out and try to buy some seeds. Then I'd work even harder until I could afford an adequate amount of fertilizer. Lastly, I'd work my fingers to the bone in overtime until I was the proud owner of a solid plot of land down south. I would then I would go there and attempt to grow some balls.
wow do u know fin outside riu=u couldnt b haten on him so much 4 jus tryin 2grow sum weed=i dont think there is such a think as a bad grower=ur a efin lame 4 follwin him if u dont like it=a fukin monkey could grow weed=prob why u seem 2 think ur so good, fukin lame=u must have a small dick ur so insecure, like a school bully=this thread jus put me in a bad mood=why isnt it ok 4 him 2 use rice if he wants or needs 2=he looks 2 have been successful 2 me=if he gets sum weed thats great=if he doesnt its a learning lesson=his house,his lights,his plants,his life,his choice=wlould luv 2 c u in the street=anyway,hope ur grow gows well fin,got a fat run myself n i do what i want wit it=i have 1 in the back yard under a makeshift dome/greenhouse=it gets nothin but rainwater and i piss on it once in a while lol=stay up bro n do what u want fuk these lames=1 luv

i'll be happy to buy a book of english grammar for you. if it makes you feel better. you seem grumpy.
u r sick=ur prob a child molestor=u sound like it=sum fukin sick hoarder,shittin in a can,fillin it wit water=u hate him 4 using rice 2 germ weed successfully=u prob hit ur girlfriend=u can b anything u want on the net and ur a fukin troll that shits in cans=lol=eat shit um fuk=suk a dik

oh, i see the problem here. your jimmies have been rustled.

also, you seem stupid beyond all belief.
I bet if scooby offered a contest where finshaggy wins a one way ticket to a place without internet access every-fucking-one would approve of it.
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