wow do u know fin outside riu=u couldnt b haten on him so much 4 jus tryin 2grow sum weed=i dont think there is such a think as a bad grower=ur a efin lame 4 follwin him if u dont like it=a fukin monkey could grow weed=prob why u seem 2 think ur so good, fukin lame=u must have a small dick ur so insecure, like a school bully=this thread jus put me in a bad mood=why isnt it ok 4 him 2 use rice if he wants or needs 2=he looks 2 have been successful 2 me=if he gets sum weed thats great=if he doesnt its a learning lesson=his house,his lights,his plants,his life,his choice=wlould luv 2 c u in the street=anyway,hope ur grow gows well fin,got a fat run myself n i do what i want wit it=i have 1 in the back yard under a makeshift dome/greenhouse=it gets nothin but rainwater and i piss on it once in a while lol=stay up bro n do what u want fuk these lames=1 luv