FinShaggy for President

I'm diggin' the funday idea, what about ALL drugs being decriminalized. After a while weed is just weed. Well that's a bit of understatement, if I have a lb of c99 and bubba kush i'd be high all day. But I believe in the right to medicate in any fashion one sees fit. Ofc legal meth sounds fucking crazy but I think it would help in natural selection.
Free health care and free college too.

Is there something besides adventure time that makes so many people hate Fin? I'm not picking a side or anything. I'm just curious why some of you guys spend hours a day trashing the guy. Theres gotta be something deep. nO?

its obvious you're new to t&t, finspammy is the #1 cause of spam in this section of the site and a massive troll
I'm diggin' the funday idea, what about ALL drugs being decriminalized. After a while weed is just weed. Well that's a bit of understatement, if I have a lb of c99 and bubba kush i'd be high all day. But I believe in the right to medicate in any fashion one sees fit. Ofc legal meth sounds fucking crazy but I think it would help in natural selection.
Free health care and free college too.

Is there something besides adventure time that makes so many people hate Fin? I'm not picking a side or anything. I'm just curious why some of you guys spend hours a day trashing the guy. Theres gotta be something deep. nO?

I'd consider legalizing almost all, except for meth.. unless the populace is willing to also be willing to accept fully automatic weapons, explosives, and various other things being legal as a means of meth head control. As for Fin, check out his grow experiments.. trying fucked up mediums that have almost no chance of working.. but not even maintaining the plants so you can't tell if it's the medium at fault, or the pure neglect. That's a good start, I'd be willing to give him guidance so he'd learn from this and put out some good shit - but he refuses to listen to advice from any. I would definitely consider free healthcare and college, all funded by the US first major export.. 2 billion metric tons of cannabis yearly.
Nope, am 45 min North of Detroit, if I'm in the area though.. I'll bring the Aussie Black Dot rum and we'll have a smokefest. The Black dot is a very nice 152 proof, difficult to get in the states unless you import it from a few shady importers in Cali... hahaha

im drinking a plain rum and coke now (captain) with my sweet tooth but I could grab a bottle of dom or ciroc, i'm a sucker for good rum though so that sounds awesome especially with the shady origins lol
its obvious you're new to t&t, finspammy is the #1 cause of spam in this section of the site and a massive troll
Na I lurk around a bit, I'm not much into small talk, but lately I'm finding it more entertaining. Most of people are really fucking cool. That pic buck posted struck a nerve though. If we were in a bar, and someone did some shit like that, it would get ugly real fast. Talking shit is one thing, but jacking off on picture of my sister and showing it off.. I'd freak the fuck out. I know most of us here would too.

I'd consider legalizing almost all, except for meth.. unless the populace is willing to also be willing to accept fully automatic weapons, explosives, and various other things being legal as a means of meth head control. As for Fin, check out his grow experiments.. trying fucked up mediums that have almost no chance of working.. but not even maintaining the plants so you can't tell if it's the medium at fault, or the pure neglect. That's a good start, I'd be willing to give him guidance so he'd learn from this and put out some good shit - but he refuses to listen to advice from any. I would definitely consider free healthcare and college, all funded by the US first major export.. 2 billion metric tons of cannabis yearly.

Well if meth was legal, tweakers wouldn't be doing a lot of that craziness. They do that shit to feed their habits. Ofc just because it's legal doesn't mean it's free. So I guess your point is still valid. How bout we impose a mental hygiene card, where you have to pass certain psychological tests to obtain certain drugs. Or maybe just give me a free pass to do w/e I want. :blsmoke:

I have checked out his experiments and videos. The experiments are definitely "out there". I didn't care for the videos asking for donations without providing any content what so ever. What I'm "wanting" to believe is the dude is just out for raw views nothing else. He posts threads and get people to talk trash so he can get his views. I don't get it, but it's not like he jumps in my favorite threads and starts imposing is eccentricity and ruins a thread with solid content in it.

The whole RCs on pot plants just shows a lack of botany and chemistry education. I can't even see a viable way to administer them. I know most of the synthetics need to be emulsified into a non-polar solvent. I'm pretty sure plants don't care for xylol, acetone, or methyl ethyl ketone. Maybe after harvest then fuck ya it'd work.. But I haven't read all of what he's doing. I know I ROFL at his "milking the plants" video...
in 22 pages it may have been pointed out but i didnt read it all,

you are completely aware that literally every aspect of the presidents past life before he comes into office is put under scrutiny. and that everyday people can have smear campaigns run against them left and right, you do realize having the drug history that you do and the fact you ran from the law that right there will immediately cancel any chance you ever have at being president. not to mention all of what goes on here will be brought to light as all of this can also be found be a simple google search, therefor thankfully we will never ever have to put up with the likes of you in any significant position of power lol

this thread is a poodle block
Whycantwe just overthrow Mexico and Make them do all the work.robots break down then whose gonna fix all the robots? Ill let the pool boy live in the guest house.where do u stand on pool boy. Marrsiges as long as they're both consenting adults?
Fuck you, Finshaggy.
You fill this site with useless crap. You delegitimize good people doing good work. That's pretty shitty, dick.
First and last comment on your threads, ever.
i'm in colorado often. next time i'm there, i'm going to hang failspammy posters all over the place. in front of dispensaries warning that he's a weed thief, in front of schools warning that he's a pedo, so on and so forth.

hell, it might even boost his google rank. but probably not.
Ho would that NOT boost my Google rank!?!?!? Ever heard of pedo-bear?
They see the scientific advancements as tests to their faith and clutch their bible even tighter. Their just jesus junkies chasing a feeling.. Sure it's freedom, but damn it's only hurting us as a whole. I think it bizarre that churches have some the most incredible building and structures and they're on every freaking corner. There are literally 4 churches within walking distance. I'm not sure why, but religion really gets underneath my skin. I'd rather be called a douche bag than a christian...

Ok, true they are bible junkies and such. But what else is there for them? We have to create a large body of support, family, and giving to replace the church, or abolishing it is ALMOST a bad thing. Because what will take its place? A group of elder Scientists? Politicians? Generals? We need new and more peaceful organizations, or there is no way to end it.
in 22 pages it may have been pointed out but i didnt read it all,

you are completely aware that literally every aspect of the presidents past life before he comes into office is put under scrutiny. and that everyday people can have smear campaigns run against them left and right, you do realize having the drug history that you do and the fact you ran from the law that right there will immediately cancel any chance you ever have at being president. not to mention all of what goes on here will be brought to light as all of this can also be found be a simple google search, therefor thankfully we will never ever have to put up with the likes of you in any significant position of power lol
1) Bush did coke and was a known retard, no one cared. 2) I am ASKING for a smear campaign. :)
a new 8th day of the week where everything is closed, known as 'Funday'. Anything else that could be requested?
Everything else seemed ok, but this? I think this would be "Not Very FunDay". What do we do when everything is closed? Watch TV? Are the TV stations open? And I'm actually starting to think "Funday" is a conspiracy... What is the government doing while we all "fun"??? Hmmm?
I'm diggin' the funday idea, what about ALL drugs being decriminalized. After a while weed is just weed. Well that's a bit of understatement, if I have a lb of c99 and bubba kush i'd be high all day. But I believe in the right to medicate in any fashion one sees fit. Ofc legal meth sounds fucking crazy but I think it would help in natural selection.
Free health care and free college too.

Is there something besides adventure time that makes so many people hate Fin? I'm not picking a side or anything. I'm just curious why some of you guys spend hours a day trashing the guy. Theres gotta be something deep. nO?
Well let me answer that question for you
It started with about 15 people that followed me for about a year, maybe even longer. Talking shit and being assholes because I posted a book written by Abbie Hoffman and started threads about theories I had and shit like that. They trolled me, Buck being the main source of it all, alone for a LONG time. And for a while other people replied to my threads as well (go ahead and look back if you want), then I went to Mexico and Florida and was gone for about 2-4 months from the site I have no idea how long I was gone. When I came back, Buck was there within 5 minutes to reply to anything I said, and the other 15 dudes would call each other I guess, or send PMs and emails, they said they were doing something to let each other know I was making new threads. And since I had kept in contact with no one from this site while I was gone, they still read my threads but started replying WAYYY less, because there was always fire fights, and no one wants to get in the middle of that. Except a troll... So more and more trolls came, until it became the sport it is today
Does that answer your question
The whole RCs on pot plants just shows a lack of botany and chemistry education.

You say with NO understanding of what you are talking about. I have been studying plants and alkaloids since I was 14. I'm not just dumping random shit on plants. One day, try letting your nutrients evaporate, it's just crystals and powder. And I'm gonna be the next mother fucker that finds the crystals that we all use. While since ya'll don't know shit about shit, you're just going to buying brands and thinking that means you know what you're doing. :lol: I'm doing shit that no one has ever done before, and that hasn't been done since the 60s. So unless you are a biochemical engineer in the tryptamine field, and happen to have been a awesome grower in the 60s, then you can shut the fuck up, because you have no idea what I am doing :D No one can since no one has tested these specific carbon, nitrogen bonds like this EVER before.
Whycantwe just overthrow Mexico and Make them do all the work.robots break down then whose gonna fix all the robots?
Everytime I have mentioned robots, I have also mentioned that we will continue to build them still and maintain them with mechanics. Thanks for trolling though.
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