FinShaggy for President

I actually do want to do a show somewhere like that, like how they do like rock shows at bars and put the cage so when people throw beer bottles it doesn't hit. But I just want to stand up and tell stories of hilarious things that have happened to me in my life, and give shit to the crowd for them to throw. Afterwards I'd just pick up my check, take a shower and maybe have a few people that actually heard the jokes from my life and want to hear more. Because there is some hilarious shit that has happened to me. But I think I will have to actually become a comedian first, or else it just wouldn't be accepted. But I bet tons of people would come to throw shit, then chill drink and laugh at someone's misfortunes.

i don't think they'll hear any of your mumbling.

by the way, mumbling like you do is a surefire indicator of low self esteem. don't commit suicide!
I agree with that. Our generation is bad, and the next one is worse... Little girls listening to Lady Gaga and Justin Beiber, who's just gonna be a white rapper soon. But I just look at things from an outside point of view as compared to "most" people or even most (30's/middle aged) stoners (according to the reception I have gotten on this site). I'm not breeding uncontrollably, while drinking and trying to forget my life. That's who's making the world into Idiocracy, all the Heroin addicts and MethHeads (and even alcoholics) poppin out babies just because they want needles instead of condoms.

my god, I wouldn't rep you but I may hit the like button on that post if I work up the balls. just for the shear honesty in it. Beiber? what the fucks a beiber?( read it in a ozzy accent).
I don't mumble, it's a fuckin Iphone with an Otter Box :dunce:

What? Speak up. Buttercup.

(Sig Material) Speaking of mumbling, I'm gonna put some (funny) stories from my life on YouTube soon :D Not on my regular channel though.
I actually do want to do a show somewhere like that, like how they do like rock shows at bars and put the cage so when people throw beer bottles it doesn't hit. But I just want to stand up and tell stories of hilarious things that have happened to me in my life, and give shit to the crowd for them to throw. Afterwards I'd just pick up my check, take a shower and maybe have a few people that actually heard the jokes from my life and want to hear more. Because there is some hilarious shit that has happened to me. But I think I will have to actually become a comedian first, or else it just wouldn't be accepted. But I bet tons of people would come to throw shit, then chill drink and laugh at someone's misfortunes once it got started.

Chinslappy, that's actually a great idea! You could be the new Andy Kaufman. Practice makes perfect. Start out in some seedy bars, end up booking arenas. Go for it!

You stupid fucking clown. I would love to see you on stage insulting a room full of hostile drunks. I'll buy the first ticket, and 12 pack of bottles for people to throw.