FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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Well-Known Member
Probably a good idea try individual containers this time might work better. P.S. your shit is weak man
If you were actually paying attention you would know that they still have another transplant left :dunce: These plants aren't going anywhere. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Finshaggy when you breakin out the food coloring? Add it to the milk before it's too late! LOL Now which 2 give you purple?

I'm just fuckin with you. Just so you know Fin I hope you grow some of the most dankest dank ever here. I really honestly do. I could use the laugh. Just imagine all the people's heads that would implode as you make your madness manifest itself!

OK I'll let you get back to trimming your hermies now. Peace, Love and all that Jesus stuff, (but without all the guilt, cannibalism, zombie-ism,...........).

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
Is the secret out now then lads? has he told everyone why he's torturing those poor seedlings I can't be arsed to go back and read dozens of pages of his delusional gibberish.

x iGrow x

Active Member
thats a little harsh
Yeah it was harsh.. FinFucky seems to take hate in stride.. Like I said I wish there was something positive I could say.. But, even your grow environment is a joke.. Its okay to try new things and stress your plants or whatever the hell you say your doing.. But, at least have the decency to do it in a setup that doesn`t look like the Beverly Hillbillies put it together, with stuff they found in a junk pile.. Like the Trailer Park Boys have a better setup than you, by like ten times.. And they do it as a fucking joke.. So what the hell does that make you..

**please change `your` to `his`.. I wasnt meaning you Samwell
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