FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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Man that pissed me off..... ask him yourself-

Dont take it personally if i hadnt said it someone else would... Who am i asking?? In your last post you refernece level headed?? Like i said dont take offense to me asking you to substantiate your claims on a farfetched comment. If you take offense to the phrase pics or it didnt happen might wanna find another site cus its about the only way people are gonna believe anything u say. I dont post pics and get called a liar because of it..
You said in your video you would be topping/FIMing them 2 days after transplant, if I'm correct its been 5 days. Is it because if you top them now there is nothing left but dead yellow leaves?
Man that pissed me off..... ask him yourself-

Dont take it personally if i hadnt said it someone else would... Who am i asking?? In your last post you refernece level headed?? Like i said dont take offense to me asking you to substantiate your claims on a farfetched comment. If you take offense to the phrase pics or it didnt happen might wanna find another site cus its about the only way people are gonna believe anything u say. I dont post pics and get called a liar because of it..[/QUOTE]

I HATE LIARS- Call me a liar and I will take it personally, especially if you havent checked into the person you are calling a liar. the month you joined this site I harvested plants that were flowered ouside from January on, documented on my outdoor journal on this site, pics and all. Snowed then too. You dont know who your talking to. Dec-January of 2008 I was posting pictures of plants that were out in the snow.

Maybe you should find a new site ;).
the month you joined this site I harvested plants that were flowered ouside from January on, documented on my outdoor journal on this site, pics and all. Snowed then too. You dont know who your talking to. Dec-January of 2008 I was posting pictures of plants that were out in the snow.

Maybe you should find a new site ;).[/QUOTE]
Cus my membership is totally relevant... Why you coming at me? all i asked was to c a pic of this plant that is surviving in less than favorable conditions... Ur hostility leads me only further to doubt these plants existence. If u have been a member for so long surely you have heard that phrase b4.

You mistook my intentions apparently, I wasnt so much calling u out as i was more so intrigued in this fine specimine. I have read about plants growing in snow b4 but thriving is dif from surviving... Take a hit and try not to be so on edge...

Point me to where i called u directly a liar and u get zip of my finest sir. Dont take such offence to the phrase pics or it didnt happen. doesnt mean you r a liar just means ur a liar if u cant post pics for no reason...
the month you joined this site I harvested plants that were flowered ouside from January on, documented on my outdoor journal on this site, pics and all. Snowed then too. You dont know who your talking to. Dec-January of 2008 I was posting pictures of plants that were out in the snow.

Maybe you should find a new site ;).[/QUOTE]
Cus my membership is totally relevant... Why you coming at me? all i asked was to c a pic of this plant that is surviving in less than favorable conditions... Ur hostility leads me only further to doubt these plants existence. If u have been a member for so long surely you have heard that phrase b4.

You mistook my intentions apparently, I wasnt so much calling u out as i was more so intrigued in this fine specimine. I have read about plants growing in snow b4 but thriving is dif from surviving... Take a hit and try not to be so on edge...[/QUOTE]

my bad. I didnt mean to come off that way. that hit did me some good :).

There are pics there thats why I posted the links, I edited them in after i tracked down the post. Lost a bunch of my pics, also posted a link to that thread. I did mistake your intentions.

the plants do not do well in snow and ice and winter conditions at all, that was my point to begin with. Im not going to drive a half hour in the middle of the night to take pics at my friends house though. they arent my plants and once RIU is done restoring all my pics you can go to the posts and see for yourself.

my bad. I didnt mean to come off that way. that hit did me some good :).

There are pics there thats why I posted the links, I edited them in after i tracked down the post. Lost a bunch of my pics, also posted a link to that thread. I did mistake your intentions.

the plants do not do well in snow and ice and winter conditions at all, that was my point to begin with. Im not going to drive a half hour in the middle of the night to take pics at my friends house though. they arent my plants and once RIU is done restoring all my pics you can go to the posts and see for yourself.[/QUOTE]
Glad we came to an understanding, did not mean to offend but like u said that is less than prefferable conditions... Can not look at it now since im on my phone at work but def will peep it when i het home.
Yea. Id bet that this grow goes down as the worst grow attempt in history. Lets get an update Shagged. Or they are DEAD, DEAD ILL TELL YEA!!
Yea. Id bet that this grow goes down as the worst grow attempt in history. Lets get an update Shagged. Or they are DEAD, DEAD ILL TELL YEA!!
This is a pretty bad grow for sure but earlier today i was TRYING to help a newb that somehow cut the top off one of, if not the worst looking plants ive evaaaar seen and then glued.....oh ya, i said glued the top back on. I sincerly believe that buy this kids third grow that he will be blowing these shiva rape bait plants thatve been milk jizzed on and are growing cameltoe fungus right out of the water. If i were finns poor sprouts id just take my own life instead of waiting for the inevitable....:( :):)
There are better options, but certain ashes are good for plants. In the movie "Strain Hunters Malawi" the natives there use ashes to amend to soil and they say it contains nitrogen. Also I've heard that after the big wild fires, the soils are very fertile from the ash. But really, it seems like a technique that is outdated and should only be used as a last resort, like if you're stranded on an island with no access to good fertilizers.

Oh and Fin, when your Mom comes to wish you happy birthday, if you're good, maybe she'll throw you some birthday cash!!
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