FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
This was done on a some what budget. Not the best but tried my best. I listened to a lot of people and did a lot of reading on other people's grow. Again this was from a broke mans grow.


Well-Known Member
Hey finn, the threads a little cluttered so i was wondering, what have you got brewing for when you transplant? Are you gathering all natural ingredients to amend your soil with? Any special ingredients to optimize the dank dank?


Well-Known Member
Understandable. Gotta make due sometimes. You doing a cabinet CFL grow or a HID grow?
got about 2500 watts of HID between various cabinets and another 1,000 watts of CFL spread out between moms, clones, and veggers. it's basically a juggling act, keeps things fun and fresh all the time. watering can be a pain in the ass though.
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