FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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i cannot beleive you just said this and expect us to take you seriously, temp and RH dont matter?....dude...those are the 2 BASIC things plants need to grow correctly...temp and rh is to plants like water and air is to really have absolutley no idea what your doing or talking about do you? first i felt bad for you cause everyone hated on you, then as i watched you make a fool of yourself it started to get funny, but at this point it is just sad and frankly pathetic...there is no such thing as wrong temp and humidity LOL...i seriously cannot beleive you just said this, i really though you have said all of the dumbest shit you could say on this thread, but nope, you surpass your own stupidity and set the bar EVEN HIGHER once again for morons everywhere, congrats.:clap:

The mod has spoken. Some Emerril action. BAM!
You're on the wrong thread. I don't care about what it wants, I care about what it NEEDS. This is about the future, not about me getting the biggest yield so I can smoke the most weed.
No im in the right thread, i was told to come here by a friend who told me if i wanted a good laugh and a bickering session about what plants need compared to what plants want that i should come to this thread. so here i am and guess what mission accomplished. You know nothing while continuing to imply you are learning something so you can play off your failures... pretty sad.. how bout you focus on what you know works and getting that down before you go trying to change the game, people much smarter than you have sat around much longer wondering how to get this plant to be succesful. Like i said do us all a favor go grow at middle earth and tell us all how that goes....
i cannot beleive you just said this and expect us to take you seriously, temp and RH dont matter?....dude...those are the 2 BASIC things plants need to grow correctly...temp and rh is to plants like water and air is to really have absolutley no idea what your doing or talking about do you? first i felt bad for you cause everyone hated on you, then as i watched you make a fool of yourself it started to get funny, but at this point it is just sad and frankly pathetic...there is no such thing as wrong temp and humidity LOL...i seriously cannot beleive you just said this, i really thought you have said all of the dumbest shit you could say on this thread, but nope, you surpass your own stupidity and set the bar EVEN HIGHER once again for morons everywhere, congrats.:clap:
You're going to be REALLY surprised at the end of all this :lol:
And this time the hash is going to be like 10X better. Ya'll are gonna see shit made you've never seen made before. :lol: :lol: This thread is going to have SO much stuff to teach people, and all ya'll talkin shit are just making it more accessible to anyone and everyone. Once we hit like 100,000 views, we will be at the top of SOOOO many searches. :lol: :lol:
i cannot beleive you just said this and expect us to take you seriously, temp and RH dont matter?....dude...those are the 2 BASIC things plants need to grow correctly...temp and rh is to plants like water and air is to really have absolutley no idea what your doing or talking about do you? first i felt bad for you cause everyone hated on you, then as i watched you make a fool of yourself it started to get funny, but at this point it is just sad and frankly pathetic...there is no such thing as wrong temp and humidity LOL...i seriously cannot beleive you just said this, i really thought you have said all of the dumbest shit you could say on this thread, but nope, you surpass your own stupidity and set the bar EVEN HIGHER once again for morons everywhere, congrats.:clap:
I lol'd so hard when i read this, thanks kron for the plus rep, this is better than a sitcom, someone call 30 rock and tell them to air this shit lol.
I hope i bring popularity to your foolish ways so people can also come here and laugh at you. By the way acetone is not the safest solvent to use to make oil why not try quintuple refined butane then vaccum purge the butane. you might fry less of your brain cells and it appears that your stock of those is getting dangerously low....
I hope i bring popularity to your foolish ways so people can also come here and laugh at you. By the way acetone is the safest solvent to use to make oil why not try quintuple refined butane then vaccum purge the butane. you might fry less of your brain cells and it appears that your stock of those is getting dangerously low....

:lol: :lol: People aren't gonna think of me as shitty, they're gonna see how shitty ya'll are. Because the plants and hash are going to be awesome. People are going to wish they could try some of my shit. Just stick around, and keep bumping the thread. :D
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