Fire in the hole! 15 Timewreck super soil pheno hunt


Well-Known Member
Made space... man I am high and tired... took enough off for one bowl of the 8 gallon timewreck... goooood medicine like a blanket makes your head heavy i was already tired bout to pass out now though... looks like i am gonna have to run the cuts i got a couple more runs to determine which the keeper is :) ok gotta go literally about to fall asleep at keyboard zzzzz didn't finish bowl


Well-Known Member
I thought you said the timewreck was what had you up earlier, guess I need to go read more carefully


Well-Known Member
Well I made a decision (again).... i'm gonna move my grow to the storage shed... it's actually quite big and has a normal size window (i measured it) to hold an air conditioner. I can buy a kick ass air conditioner for less than i was about to pay for a crappy one... bad thing is I already paid for the one I was going to pick up today, but I can always cancel that... also the fence next to the building is broken, so they will be coming this week to fix it... can't move it til that's done, but once they are no problem... i can put extra padlocks on there and no one will think twice.. now if visitors come over to the house the only thing i'll have to worry about is if i recently smoked... if i stay here another year family is almost surely going to come visit at some point and this would solve that issue! The only thing I gotta do is lightproof the shed really well and make sure smell isn't an issue. it's actually a perfect sized space for my grow and already has support beams to hang lights on. i'll have more room in the flower area than i would have in the cab i was about to build... oh yeah the wood for that will mostly go to waste.. i'm sure i can find something to make out of it, maybe some shelves or something... but really they wont' be needed... in fact, i think this building is even big enough i could reassemble my current flower cab in there as well to use as the veg cab and it would still fit with space left over for my dark area. Maybe I'll build some good shelves for the storage building i can put either supplies or plants on ;)

i'm wondering if it would even be worth adding some insulation... i'm not sure how expensive insulation is to buy... could be a fun construction project let's see how can i entice my local RIU buddies to come help me mwuhahahaha

So yeah next weekend may be very busy... going to have to set up a temporary veg area til then for the clones those can't wait.. just watered them today... everything looks great but the cuttings that got transplanted are huge now in comparison to the solo cup plants. They actually could be flowered already real thick stems going too... i'm gonna top all the potted plants today down to one or two pairs of leaves


Well-Known Member
There's a tree shading about half the roof. Inside has typical 2x4' supports should be easy to put insulation in between i don't know much about it though. Also the building's like 30 feet or so from the house so power's gonna be an issue may have to see about having someone run an electric line on its own circuit to support the ac and electric in there... i wonder how much it would cost to have someone do that.... wonder if that's something I could do myself without zapping myself or starting a fire :)


Well-Known Member
How many circuits you gonna need?
I suggest getting a electrician,Wish I was closer id do it for ya!
Nothing really to it,mine has a panel in it tht i ran some triplex from the main panel to my Garage panel box.
Tht way i can have 220v for my lights and A/C,Then 6-8 110v outlets.
The insulation just get a good staple gun and put some baby powder on your arms...keeps insulation from getting in you to bad.


Well-Known Member
i dunno i've done some basic electric wiring but nothing extensive or hooking circuits up.... i'm gonna check some youtube vids I'm thinking with some good instructional vids and research I can do it myself... only issue with electrician is cost... i did a little math this morning and figured out i've put probably around $1500 into just this grow alone between new lights equipment, various supplies, ac, etc... i really am not trying to spend a few hundred extra just to get an electrical outlet run... my friend says he knows a 420 friendly electrician though so i'll probably see what he would charge first


Well-Known Member
Hey Beech, how much you think it would cost for supplies for such a project or to have someone do it? Guessing it's about 50' from the main panel to the shed where a subpanel would go. will need enough electric to run a window ac, 1600w hps & about 1500w of actual power draw for led/fluorescents, co2 tank/meter, several fans and not insigificant o3 generator (it tripped my circuit quite a few times in the past when there was a lot of electric in that room but nothing else was causing that). Wish I had extra harvest funds it'd be no problem i'd just get an electrician out here and get it done quick and right... i'm sure from what's involved it isn't going to be cheap... some guy who did a similar project on youtube said his parts alone were around $500 and that didn't include labor, which'll probably include a 50' trench for the power line. Why does running a great grow op take such effort? ;) Shoulda planned better I guess but I was never really planning on doing quite this large of a sustained grow at the time... now that i've got all those plants going even though i don't wanna do the 12/12 swap again i don't want to go back to a much smaller grow :) the space out there would let me keep up the same size grow without swapping in 12/12 and essentially the same amount of flower space (9 1/2 x 5 1/2) (current is 6'x4'). Shed also has an exhaust vent at the top I'm sure I might be able to tie an hps exhaust into somehow... ;) there are also a couple exhaust vents on the side i could probably rig too if needed or block off if i don't... gonna have to seal it up as much as possible, add more/better locks (has a simple padlock but not that sturdy if someone were trying to get in), maybe paint it white inside... it'll be a pretty huge fucking project that would take a couple weeks to get done (with the amount of time i can devote). i definitely won't have the $$ to have electric work done for at least 3 weeks.... fence still needs to be repaired though and not sure when that will happen. worst case scenario I make due where it is now for another month+ til I start getting some extra funds... i really don't want to wait that long though.


Well-Known Member
I know an electrician or two in the area, no idea what they'd charge though.

If you can trench and lay the cable yourself that'd lower cost.

Should make sure it's ok with the landlord. Maybe they'll reduce your rent a little for renovating the property. Say you want to run a power tool out there, or make a man cave or something. Though then they might want to see it at some point :/


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's what I'm worried about... and also with the nosey neighbor hmmm. i need to price it out first to see if it's even an option might have to go back to the upstairs with indoor ac, but i just don't see that working out as well. i miss owning my own place. my dumb ass ex always bitched and moaned about that place, but it was most likely the nicest place she ever lived in as an adult and definitely the only place she ever owned... some people just never appreciate what they have.


Well-Known Member
Sure welcome to let'em know... but they may not be interested once they find out how far away i live from you hahaha


Well-Known Member
Ending week 6 and it feels so good

I'm not gonna sample any more til I finish the last quarter or so of this commercial stuff I got.... but I definitely think those little bottom buds i've left should carry me through to the end... i saw a couple today that are as big around as my thumb that are lower bottom buds I left on there thinking 'I bet if I wait just a while longer before I cut this it's gonna be a lot more for me then' -- also the thinking behind waiting til the commercial is gone to sample more... although I think I may couple a couple of those so that they have time to properly dry instead of quick drying which I gotta imagine degrades the thc at least a little. my timewreck buds are already better than the commercial stuff...i had some little ccm mini buds last night those weren't all that, guess they need more time... also a lot of them were the real mini buds that barely have any trichs on them because they're so small... those definitely don't get you as high as actual developed buds that are just small due to location :)

Night ladies going night night!
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Love the size that back girl is getting too.. and she's one of the ones that just got topdressed with high P guano last night

This is the pheno I haven't figured out yet... someone told me it was a vortex pheno maybe (not the main spear shaped pheno tho)
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Other more typical pheno TimeWreck buds
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Well-Known Member
GOOD LORDY!!!! Those girls look healthy and beautiful! I was able to make it home with my car. Just let it cool down then added some oil and coolant made it about a block away from home and then had to stop and let it cool down again....Definitely time to look for a new vehicle or fix that infamous 3.6L GM issue with the lim and uim.

Next time you take a tester if ya do...Call me :))) !~!!