Fire in the hole! 15 Timewreck super soil pheno hunt


Well-Known Member
1800 ppm up there right now... just finished updating the ties on the timewrecks and watering them (no nutes this time, just EJ catalyst and superthrive). Started sexing -- THREE females, one almost sure male, 2 possible males (including one of the ones I bet was female and put in a big pot). Can't say for sure on any of the 3 biggest ones ironically -- you would think they'd show since they're the biggest... but the smaller and taller ones mostly are showing. Watering and will start looking for sex on the others tomorrow... runty finally starting to grow some... a bit of heat rolling on a few leaves today (got up to 86 in the grow room earlier). All three of the females are in the 1.5 gallons, so looks like it's gonna be time to transplant soon... i need to find some more males so I can make space for girls in bigger pots :) the biggest one is getting just huge on it's wingspan now... big ass fat indica fan leaves...


Well-Known Member
Watered/fed the chocolate chunkey monkeys and chernobyl x space jills this morning... they got 2/3 strength 1-1-1 GO root stimulator and superthrive. They are all tied down no except the 2 smallest (runty csj (who's almost up to a normal growth rate now for its size) and the smallest CCM). The CSJs continue to take off the side branching is amazing at this age there would be no need to top them it's going to make a full christmas tree i think... but that just means they're perfect for my kind of LST. Checked sex on the two biggest CSJs and looked like maybe one boy and one girl, but nothing for sure... the one that looks like a boy I'm fairly sure is a boy based on the preflowers... the one that's a girl the preflowers are barely visible but they're female shaped so far.


New Member
So if you had to pick one TGA strain and perfect growing it, which would it be?
I'm placing another order for Attitudes Birthday Promo and could use some guidance..
I was lookinf gor Chernobyl and Jilly Bean but BOTH are out. Anything else from them you'd reccomned? Or anything in general?


Well-Known Member
Timewrecks are growing and showing... I found my digital microscope and was able to peg a few more that are not visible to the naked eye. 3 more females, including 2/3 of the big potted girls I bet were female, including the one I thought might be a boy. The other big potted one is one of the 2+ "probably" females... looks like female preflowers but no pistil yet. Rule one of preflower sexing... they ain't girls until you find the pubes.

2 "probably" boys... the CSJs are still too young to sex... i only checked the biggest CCM as I doubt the smaller ones are showing yet.

Can you pick the boys and girls?




Well-Known Member
Oh yeah I did have an exhale bag first grow of the year... had very good results thinking now it may have helped after seeing the co2 buckett really is helping (even if it's no match for a tank). I think if you got multiple exhale bags for a larger grow, even better. So psyched just a bit over 2 weeks til flower... i might go 1 more week before flipping if I feel they need it, but at their current rate of growth I think 2.5 weeks is gonna be perfect timing. I should start seeing females in the coming week and I may transplant any that show female to bigger pots...

I'm thinking about doing a double 12/12 cycle again and swapping plants every 12 hours... i'm not planning on going on any vacations for the next 2 months, so... that way I could veg the fems a bit longer/wider for more tops/yield without adding more lights. 600w isn't gonna go well in that room without proper venting or massive co2. It's up around 80 in there at the moment with the room closed and no a/c... but with the co2 that should be no issue for the plants. It'd be badass if I could get as good of yields as my first grow this year (don't see why not) -- would really make up for that realllll shitty grow last time.
You gonna go up them stairs...... Tht will get old Fast.
Sensi those have to be the biggest 3 leafs ive ever seen.
Can you tell yet how long the tank is gonna last,And what size do you have?



Well-Known Member
Scope is definitely the way to go if you wanna sex early... those last 3 I found weren't detectable by the normal jeweler's scope. I need to find some males though so i have more room :) i'm gonna check the attitude promo -- it'd have to be pretty good to justify the extra cost :) i'm betting there's gonna be better deals in april for 4/20 :)

I decided to move the grow back to my old room. No windows only exits are the a/c vent and entry door so much better enclosure for the co2. It's the coldest room in the house so shouldn't have heat issues... wasn't great with the 600w in there and no extra co2 but with the tank now and only running LEDs should be no problem. Only disadvantage it has it's that it's fairly close to the front door which means I gotta be really on the odor... but I got a kick ass ozone generator. The room it's in now hasn't ended up as great as I hoped and if we ever have visitors it's not gonna work... so will be moving it in the next few days, maybe even tonight... well probably not tonight I want to redo the support structure to be more sturdy and evenly distribute the lights and some additional lights when I get to adding them. You think those leaves were big before... they're getting huge now... I really need to go check them and retie if needed... they're growing pretty fast... also I gotta trim and train a few fan leaves that are blocking light to the LST branches. The plants are definitely loving the co2 and the super soil. I'm definitely going to repot all the females I have bigger pots for, mainly to make sure they have the in ground nutes to make it through flower. I may have to get a few air pot ripoffs from the local hydro store I don't think I have enough big pots for all of the females I'll get... I've got 2 weeks til they SHOULD go to flower and 3 weeks til they absolutely HAVE to go to flower or else (in order to have 9 weeks flower time before they have to get cut down). I think 2-3 weeks should be perfect to get them where I want them going into flower.

Oh and yeah I usually get 60-80% female on TGA.

It's a 20 gallon tank... I have no idea how long it'll last the only little meter on the tank hasn't changed at all. I'm thinking the new location, which would have 3 walls and a 4th of plastic and minimal exits for the co2 should keep usage pretty minimal.

I may end up staying here at least long enough for one more flower as well.... so may end up starting up a veg area with the 600w.... maybe i'll get some ace of spades to go along with those cuts if I do.... yummy.


Well-Known Member
Massive leaves dude if the roots are growing like those oh my,You gonna have some monster FAST growers.
Gonna look into getting me some gauges!!!
Think ive read like a 20-30p increase in yield,and alot faster growth,But didnt Believe it.



Well-Known Member
i'm high... and i enjoyed these :hump:

[video=youtube;o4EsSwhi7TM] ZIf816EWAr5zQ[/video]


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;MzoAofcc97c] index=3[/video]


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;bBgOxbTh6Lw] index=4[/video]


Well-Known Member
This one's definitely gonna be a background track on a future flower vid :)

up up up so high - the macklemore lovefest continues

[video=youtube;ZSJBtq5VQZA] index=9[/video]


Well-Known Member
Retied and sexed all the timewrecks.... updated count: 4 almost certain males (removed), 11 certain or near certain females (mighta got fooled on one or two we'll see but i'll take it). Didn't get time to retie the CCMS. TWs already need watering again, very mild burn signs (even though no nutes last water). Did a little supercropping on the TWs

Big TWs -- all female (?)

Lil TWs... flauntin' it.

Co2 tank, keepin it real

Chocolate Chunkey Monkeys

Chernobyl x Space Jill

The big CSJs
And... runty CSJ... finally growing normally, but wayyyyyy behind... can you say single cola, no clone?


Well-Known Member
I'll be super pissed if that runt is the keeper and it's the only one I don't take a clone on.

Retrained and sexed the young'uns. 3 female CCMs, one probably male, everything else I can't tell. One of the 2 big chernojills looks like probably male, but i'm not calling it yet. i put the 5 probable males in the bathroom (low light/low daylight hours) so their little pref's will sex up a bit. Pretty sure all 5 of those are dudes though based on preflowers.

Timewrecks turning into bushes... bigger CSJs starting to bush up... I think this'll be the first grow I ever did that was all LST and no topping. Did a couple non-topped, non-trained grows way back but never went for multiple colas without topping at all... curious if there will be much difference on the trained remaining cola compared what i'm used to seeing with topping.