First AG Grow - Help appreciated


Well-Known Member
I have a fan inside that's on 24/7. I have two fans blowing into the closet also. It's just so tight width wise that I really have no other place to put another fan inside. The tent I got is twice as big as the closet and I already have two fans on the way that I'm going to setup in there. That should hopefully keep the temps down.


Well-Known Member
like said said, give it some time, looks fine to me, just skin from the stem, my lil baby has it goin on as well


Well-Known Member
thanks guys. I've been using the GH feeding schedule and actually been using a little bit less than what they recommend. They recommend 1.5ml of each and I'm about 1.2ml of each. All the new growth is a very dark green. Since I moved the lights from directly above the plant to the sides they have seemed to be perking up. Thanks for the help! I ordered a 250w HPS that I'm going to put in place of the hood once I switch to flower. Can't wait!


Well-Known Member
thanks guys. I've been using the GH feeding schedule and actually been using a little bit less than what they recommend. They recommend 1.5ml of each and I'm about 1.2ml of each. All the new growth is a very dark green. Since I moved the lights from directly above the plant to the sides they have seemed to be perking up. Thanks for the help! I ordered a 250w HPS that I'm going to put in place of the hood once I switch to flower. Can't wait!
Your gonna love the HPS!!!


Well-Known Member
Your gonna love the HPS!!!
Haha I hope so man. The tent comes Monday I'm not sure when the HPS comes but still one more week of vegging I think. They are still pretty small. The tent is 4x2x5 so I think that a 250w is perfect. We'll see. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Haha I hope so man. The tent comes Monday I'm not sure when the HPS comes but still one more week of vegging I think. They are still pretty small. The tent is 4x2x5 so I think that a 250w is perfect. We'll see. bongsmilie
Yeah, it should work out great. You might have to leave the tent open when the lights are on until you can get a good ventilation system. That's what I had to do. I bought a 465CFM inline centrifugal fan with a sweet carbon filter, but I couldn't fit it in my closet, lol. It's powerful though.


Well-Known Member
Ok so I got the tent. I still don't know WTF is going on with this one plant. Should I stop the nutes for a week? Add more? I'm giving a smaller amount than the GH feeding schedule so I don't know what else to do. Here are some pics.



Here's a pic of the stems on the drooping plant.



Well-Known Member
Last res change was last tuesday so 7 days tomorrow. I change weekly. The canopy temps are 79f with the lights on and about 70 with them off. I am still using the GH nutes (1.25ml instead of the recommended 1.5ml).


Well-Known Member
not too sure, i would do the rex change tonight with jus pH'd water and wait a lil bit, then start bac up with nutes


Well-Known Member
the lights are off I won't be able to do a res change until tomorrow when I get home from work at 5. Should I just change the water even though the lights are off?


Well-Known Member
Will do. Should I just use pH'd water until the new growth starts yellowing then start adding nutes again?


Well-Known Member
Ok definitely going to try it. Thanks for the help man I really appreciate it. I hate busting my ass with this pH and shit and the goddamn thing still wilts. Stubborn little bastard


Well-Known Member
Well the first night in the tent the temp got up to 93... I ordered a 435CFM Centrifugal inline fan so that should help... It should replace the air in the tent 10 times a minute. That should do it hopefully I won't need something as an intake.

In other news...Just changed the res with fresh ph'd water and no nutes. We'll see what happens