first ag grow, how am i doing?


Active Member
i started growing in my ag 2 months ago. using the ag mastergardeners kit, bag seed, ag lights. being my first grow i didnt want to invest to much $$. but i'm 2 weeks in on 12/12 and realizing i need different lights.

just wanted some opinions on how they look.

ive been pretty harsh on them.



Active Member
need to trim so light can get through to all the plant. I love my AG, but it grows them to short and stout which could cause mold when budding. I had FIMed my first grow in by AG and I had to cut so many clones off it was ridiculous :p
I use the spacesaver6 which only has the two light hood but I use two 200watt cfls on the sides. Also I use two nute tabs every two weeks + liquid feed(my res. Is only 3L so I only use one push every 5 days).