First attempt at crop, last stage problem..


Active Member

I am roughly 10 weeks in (yes, I should have kept a journal) and my 3 plants are coming on pretty well. Flowers are getting bigger daily, trics appearing all over the place and starting to smell sweet too. I am having a problem and need some advice. I was given the seeds and it turns out they are 3 different strains!! Hairs are starting to turn brown on one plant but hardly any on other 2. I noticed the leaves turning yellow and curling a few days ago and it looked like magesium lockout. I tried Espom salts for a few days (mixed with usual water & fert mix) but the problem seemed to get worse. I flushed all 3 last night and removed dead fan leaves. They look much better today but I have no idea when to harvest them. One plant has about 10% brown hairs, one has about 2% and the other has none. Im not sure what to do now as I dont want to over feed or underfeed my babies as they are real close to harvest and its my first go!! Please help.........


Well-Known Member
indica sativa? sative takes weeks longer usually. flush flush flush, and when trichs are cloudy/amber wait a couple more days and then snip


Well-Known Member
yellowing leaves on plants finishing up are common. even the upper leaves will yellow/brown near the very end if i understand right. ive removed several of my lower leaves and some others are starting to yellow. im at 10 weeks myself.some of my buds have had a slight purple/amber tint for maybe 5 days. no where near red. id like to see some pics of your plants just to compare to mine. good luck with the rest of the grow



Active Member
I think its normal for the leaves at the very bottom to die but not ALL the fan leaves. The seeds I was given were ICE, Northern Lights and Skunk (apparently). all 3 plants look very different but are all about the same size. I flushed the hell out of them and the look quite a bit healthier now. I also removed all the yellow fan leaves as they were just dying. unfortunately I cant get my hands on a 30X magnifier in Ireland so I have to order one of the web. for now, i believe i can stop feeding when 30% of the hairs go brown, then only water for 7-10 days to flush ferts from plants. Is this a reliable way of judging if they are ready?? If I am unsure, is it safer to stop feeding them too soon rather then over fert them again? I'm using liquid ferts Biobloom, Biogrow and Topmax from www, I am following their instructions but this is the third time ive had to flush because of nuet burn. I don't have any pics either as my digital camera just died...... Thanks for your input guys, this growing can be a lonely process, its not like I can ask my green fingered neighbour for advice!!