First Attempt At Growing W/ Pictures

hey whats up well im new to this site and new to growing bud. ive done some research and learned from other persons grow threads. my set up is a dresser that i gutted out. a florescent light witt two bulbs and a smaller single florescent light. and a fan. well i had planted 4 seeds that i got my friends kush plant. first mistake that i did was planting them in regular dirt. well a week later they sprouted but didnt grow much. im guessing it was the soil. well i moved them into better pots witt better soil. sadly only one made it. i guess i made to much damage to the other ones.. then i got a seed out of a bubba kush sack we had so i planted that one also. this one sprouted about in a week also! next day it grew really tall! so as of now i have bubba kush and another kush plant from my friends plant. heres some pics on my progress. i will be posting many more as time goes by.

this is the one i got from my friends plant its 2 weeks old this one was the one that made it outta the other 3

this is the bubba kush plant! this one took a week to sprout right on top of the soil then next day i checked on it was tall! this plant is 3 days old

here is my setup! its nothing to fancy just some stuff i found around the house that i was able to use there some other pots wit plants but those are from stress sacks i have the lights on 24/7 and i only water when i poke my finger into the soil and its dry. i know later on for flowering ima need better lights but i read florescent light are okay for veg.

Let me Know You think!


Well-Known Member
Hey Miguel everything looks great what kink of nutes are you useing and are you going to use a bigger light when you flower


Plants gotta eat, brother! To put it simply, a seed wont grow in just dirt. It needs soil with supplemental nutrients to feed it. Check out the forums, theres mad specific info on how to get started off right.
okay i havnt been here in a while because they cut off the internet but now its back:) its been like 4 weeks or so. well the bubba kush plant is no longer alive... =[ the short one that my friend gave me off his kush plant grew really good :) and it has female preflower.. and one one my good friends gave me his white widow plant which budded wayyyyyyyyyy to early cause his lights it budded but now its back under 24/7 lighting lets seee if it goes back to veg.
well heres a pic of it what do you think?

heres a pic that i posted before on the thread

now it looks like this! it didnt grow tall much but really bushy!

and this is the white widow plant that budded to early
the plant is about 5 weeks right long do you guys think i should keep it in veg. till i start cutting the light back to 12/12?


Well-Known Member
You won't regret it. When I flowered my 5 LR#2's under 3 125 watt CFL's, the quality was dank, but the quantity SUCKED. I would have gotten alot more had I put in a better light.


Well-Known Member
If you were in a area where the climate permitted, I"m fairly certain that the experts would say Sun>CFL by a large margin. You could flower it under a 13 watt CFL if you wanted, but your ONLY gonna get OUT what you put IN it.
heres some more pics of my kush plant =D i took the pictures with my dads camera so they sould be good quality...

heres a shot of the top of the plant

and a shot of the maiin stem... you can see female pre-flower if you look close enough

what do you think? bad comment and good comments welcome!
i decided im going to let my plant veg. until the days get warmer and then ill be putting her outside to she can flower