First Auto... Fastberry


Active Member
Fastberry, the first Auto I've grown, does this look like chopping time or should I wait because there are still white pistols? Been hemming an hawing over this and decided to toss it over to you all. 1621544593152.png1621544605347.png1621544625892.png


Active Member
No filters on any of the photos. That's why I handed it over to you all. The colors are lighting up the rainbow but she still has some white pistols.



Active Member
Look, I'm sorry I've bugged some of you into mocking, I was trying to find some knowledge. I am new to this and I do mess up, I admit that. I admit I know nothing compared to most of you but I am trying.


Well-Known Member
Look, I'm sorry I've bugged some of you into mocking, I was trying to find some knowledge. I am new to this and I do mess up, I admit that. I admit I know nothing compared to most of you but I am trying.
I'm not mocking you. If you can't tell there are serious issues with the clarity of your photos then that is a problem.
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