First Auto Grow (Girl Scout Cookie)

Day 60 (x1 Girl Scout Cookie, x1 Blue Dream)

Last 24 hours, the average RH is 25%! These conditions are creating some very sticky, resinous buds! Wow. I used some string to pull some of the secondary branches on the GSC up and towards the main stem. It's a bit more compact now, trying get as much from this girl as possible.

BD is starting to get some density to the nugs. About half the hairs are red on it now. Now sure how far all this ph issue/lockout set it back, but hopefully she will finish in a few weeks. My beans for the 3rd run are still germing VIA paper towel.
Used a large Rubbermaid tub this afternoon and filled it with my FFOF, added some perilite and mixed it up real good. Filled two 3 gallon smart pots. Added 4 tablespoons of dolomite lime to the top of each pot. Used a gallon of tap water (6.5 ph) and gave each pot 1/2 gallon of water. The 2 beans I am germing have a small sprout, but i'll give them another 24 hours before potting.
Day 61 (x1 Girl Scout Cookie, x1 Blue Dream)

Watered the BD today with 1 gallon of tap water with 1 tsp big Bloom and 1/2 tsp tiger bloom. I think she needs another 2 weeks, but she has recovered from the issues I was having with pH. The bud sites are getting dense and swelling. Nice fruity aroma. I used a lot of string to pull this long lanky bitch together.

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GSC did not get watered today. I'll be chopping in 2 days. She was flushed for 2 weeks and will go without water for 4 days. She should be plenty dry by then. Used string on this one to pull all the branches together.

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Day 1 (x1 Girl Scout Cookie, x1 Blue Dream) *3rd Run*

Potted both germinated seeds into their 3 gallon home. The top layer of the pot was very thick and chalky. I guess that's from the dolomite lime and watering the pot yesterday. So I mixed the tol soil up real well before potting. The soil is moist so I probably won't water for a day or two and then start small.

Day 62 (x1 Girl Scout Cookie, x1 Blue Dream)

*Drying closet conditions*

24 hour average in my closet has been 72 F and 35% RH. I'd like get the RH up to 50% but not at the sacrifice of the low 70 temp. I'm going to test a small cool mist humidifier this evening. See if running it a few hours in the evening can keep me closer to 45% RH.

GSC is ready to harvest. I will either chop tonight or tomorrow night depending on how work goes. I will be ordering some more GSC beans. This 9 weeks from seed is amazing and the quality of the bud is awesome! Very happy with Seedsman/Fastbuds.
Day 63 (x1 Girl Scout Cookie, x1 Blue Dream)

Harvested the GSC this morning. I am confident their is about 2 ounces this time compared to the 32g last round.



Day 3 (x1 Girl Scout Cookie, x1 Blue Dream)

GSC has popped out of the soil and shed it's shell. The BD emerged last night but unfortunately the tap root emerged too. I repotted it, but the bottom of the tap root looked different. Not sure if it is dead. I'll wait a few days before germing another. Fingers crossed


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Day 65 (x1 Blue Dream)

May need to feed the BD again, it is showing some yellowing of fan leaves, but I may just ride it out. I'll post some pictures tonight when I get home. It has a nice fruity aroma.

Day 3 (x1 Girl Scout Cookie) *DRY*

Still hanging in the closet. My temps are between 70-76 and RH between 30-38. I'll only hang dry for 4-5 days due to the lower humidity. Starting to feel a little crispy on the outside. I'll check tonight at 72 hours at maybe jar up some smaller nugs. Pics tonight.

Day 5 (x1 Girl Scout Cookie)

RIP blue dream bean #2. She did not make it. I dug a bit to see and the Taproot was shriveled and brown. I'll gerkinate another BD this weekend.

The GSC is doing great, first true leaves are outgrowing the originals.
Day 67 (x1 Blue Dream)

Sorry for the lack of updates. I've been out of town for work and will be most of November. I'll try to post when I can, but pics may not be as plentiful. I come home every 3 days but the drives are killing me.

This plant was watered yesterday. I still think it has a few weeks so I gave her another feeding of big Bloom and tiger bloom. Fan leaves are yellow and just overall shit looking. This girl won't have many large leaves left by harvest time. I'm sure that's hurting my yield at this point.

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Day 5 (x1 Girl Scout Cookie) *DRY*

Small nugs were put in jars on Friday afternoon. Large mugs and colas were put in jars yesterday. I've got 3 jars. The small nugs were showing a RH of 63 and 68 yesterday so I burped them twice for 10 minutes each time.

The larger nugs are reading 50 RH this morning. I'll give them until tonight to get a good reading and then I'll Burlingame accordingly. The winter RH numbers (20-35%) really affected this plant. While the buds were getting really resinous and sticky during week 9, after harvest the buds dried out very quickly. Good learning lesson. I'm growing for personal use only so I'm not going to invest a ton of money into climate controlling. These nugs are smokeable today to be honest. Good taste and not too harsh.

64g as of yesterday. May loose a great more grams, but I will pull 2 ounces from this GSC.


The jar on the left is the large nugs. I took this right after closing that jar, so the hygrometer still is at 35.

Day 7 (x1 Girl Scout Cookie)

She is doing good. Second set of true leaves are starting to outgrow the round leaves. Have only watered once so far and that was just a small amount. I'm letting the pot dry out real good. I'll probably bottom feed (water) tomorrow.

Day 76 (x1 Blue Dream)

All is well, hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. Travel was a bit dicey and combine that with work, I've been unable to do any updates. I'm in a rush this morning, so i'll try to post some pictures tonight.

I was gone for about 4 days last week. When I returned, a lot of the leaves on this girl were brown and brittle. Some fell off, others fell off when touched. Not a whole lot of leaves left on this thing. Seems like it is going very slowly at this point. I see about 75-80% red hairs and then the rest are white hairs. Tomorrow will be 11 weeks on this girl. Fastbuds say 9-11 weeks. I doubt I will chop tomorrow. I'll probably water again this evening and then give it 4-5 days before I chop.


Day 14 (x1 Girl Scout Cookie) DRY/CURE

RH is hovering between 53-58 depending on the time of day. Crazy that these buds only dried 3-4 days and are already very smokeable. The smell in the jar is like heaven. I've got just under 2 oz's to smoke. I've also got a zip of Gelato that is very fresh and sticky. I'll probably sit on it for a few weeks and smoke mostly cookies.

I ran a humidifier in the closet yesterday. It was able to raise the RH from 24% all the way up to 47% in less than 6 hours. Once I chop the Blue Dream, i'll be using the humidifier in the closet the few days it is drying.


Day 16 (x1 Girl Scout Cookie)

This girl is chugging along. I'm sure the 18-24% humidity levels aren't helping, but i'm just fighting through it. My top layer of soil is still a bit chalky and clumpy (due to the dolomite lime), but I mix it up the best I can before I water. I'm only giving her a bit of water each 2-3 days. I bottom fed a bit of water this afternoon, first time on this girl. The pot soaked up the water quicker than I could close the tent.

Still just the GSC. I'll probably germ another BD this evening. In hopes that It will be sprouted and ready to plant by the time I harvest the BD.
Day 78 (x1 Blue Dream)

Decided to water this morning. Only gave it about 2/3 gallon of tap water with nothing added. I still see some white hairs and will let it go til Saturday morning. That will be 80 days.
Day 80 (x1 Blue Dream)

I harvested this morning. It had been 48 hours since I watered. I didn't wait another day because I wanted to leave some moisture in the stem/leaves for the first few days of drying. The GSC plant dried in 2 1/2-3 days. I'm hoping a little extra moisture will let me hang dry for 4-5 days.

Used the humidifier last night. RH was steady at 40% throughout the night. Temp ranged between 72-74.

It took awhile to trim. My estimate on this one is 3 oz dry. Very happy with the result given the issues I had.



Day 20 (x1 Girl Scout Cookie)

Slow growth at this point, probably due to the 20-25% RH in the tent throughout the day. The last GSC yielded over 2 oz's, so i'm just going to push through the winter time. Temps between 72-80, RH between 20-25.


I put another BD bean in a wet paper towel last night. I'll have 2 going, but the BD will end up going 4-6 weeks longer than the GSC.
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Day 21 (x1 Girl Scout Cookie)

Hard to believe GSC #3 is 3 weeks old today. Temps have been between 71-79 with RH raising a bit after some weekend rain. RH between 24-29%. Still hoping that this dolomite lime is going to get rid of all the rust and possible ph issues I was having. I've still yet to saturate the pot. Just watering around the edge of the pot and letting it soak up some water from the tray.

Germinating BD bean still hasn't sprouted. Giving it's 3 gallon home a good watering today so it will be ready for the sprout tomorrow or Tuesday.

Day 18 (x1 Girl Scout Cookie) *DRY/CURE*

GSC #2 was harvested 18 days ago. It's been in jars (burped 1-2 times daily) for the past 2 weeks. The RH is sitting around 53%. What started as 60g is now down to 46g. This is some very good, tasty and smooth smoke. I find myself turning to this quite often. Very, very impressed with this strain.


Day 2 (x1 Blue Dream) *DRY*

BD has been hanging up now for about 24 hours. I'm doing a sample test as with speak with a smaller piece that is actually dry enough to smoke. A tad bit harsh, but I can still taste the fruity flavor in this strain. Very excited to see what this tastes like in a few days. I'm backing off my estimate a bit, down to 2 1/2 ounces.
Day 23 (x1 Girl Scout Cookie)

Watered today. Mixed up a gallon of tap water with 2 tsp big Bloom and 1/2 tsp grow big and tiger bloom. First feeeding for this girl.

BD bean was planted last night.

Day 4 (x1 Blue Dream) *DRY/CURE*

Jarred everything up this morning. It's been 96 hours since harvest. Weight looks like 106 grams. Almost 4 ounces!

I'll post some pics tonight.
Day 24 (x1 Girl Scout Cookie)

GSC Plant is very perky after the water/feed yesterday. Still very small, but damn healthy looking.

I've got another casualty too. BD bean #3 must have died from me handling it when I potted. The taproot was exposed this morning, but it's not any bigger than when potted and it's a light brown color. The seed is still closed. I repotted it and watered it this morning, but i doubt it will help. That's the second BD seed that I've had an issue with. I've germinated all my seeds the same way with a wet paper towel in a sandwich bag on a paper plate on top of something warm. Never had this issue. Wondering if i may have some weak seeds or a bad batch.

I will only grow one plant this run. I've got 6 or 7 months worth of smoke right now, so i'm good to just have one. The GSC seems to be dialed in. I'll pull another 2.5 ounces from this GSC girl.
Day 28 (x1 Girl Scout Cookie)

4 weeks old today. I'll have to look back at my previous grow, but I think this girl has caught up.


The dolomite lime and extra perilite seems to be helping. I haven't seen any discoloration of leaves.

My Blue Dream harvest came in at a final weight of 96 grams. Probably 100 if you count my sample tests. Haha. It is definitely not as strong smell, taste or potency wise as the GSC. Probably has something to do with the pH issues and dying leaves I had.

Day 35 (x1 Girl Scout Cookie)

5 weeks old. 4 weeks to go. She is starting to stretch a bit. Watering twice a week every 3 1/2 days. Feeding every other. Still adding 1tsp camg even with the dolomite lime. I've seen no rust spots thus far.

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