First autoflower grow advice is welcome


Active Member
Hey I just germd a ak47/lowryder#2 and put it in fox farm soil under 2 42 watt bulbs 2700k cabinet is 4 feet wide 3 feet tall and the depth is 20 inch....I got a question how much should I water my seedling that hasn't sprouted and how close should she be to the bulbs? :leaf:


Well-Known Member
With my Easy Ryders I would thuroughly mist the top of the soil twice a day (once in the morning and once at night). Although I just popped mine in the soil, watered and just stuck them out in the sun. But in your case I would keep the lights 3 or 4 inches away from the top of the soil. Heat is what will help the seed germinate which is why the bulbls should be close. You want the heat from the bulb to warm the moist soil.


Active Member
Thanks man I can't wait to see these bud...I wonder if its as easy as everyone says...I had 2 feminised seeds for 4 months in veg! And threw them out becuz I went away and my flowering box wasn't. Done that it is I want to do SOG


Well-Known Member
Well if you are growing Easy Ryders some advice I can give you is that I found that they are sensitive to heat and being too close to the light. Typically people say to keep cfls 2-4 inches away but with Easy Ryders I would stay closer to the 4 inch range. Another thing I can tell you is to either up-can them into bigger pots at about week 2 (Week 3 this strain begins flowering-I wouldn't mess around with transplanting after this point), or put them in 1.5-3 gallon pots right from the beginning. Transplanting stresses plants and slightly stunts their growth which isn't typically a big deal when doing photoperiod plants but when dealing with autoflowering plants, since their lifespan is so short, even minor stress can diminish yeild. I'm about midway through week 5 with mine and if I were going to do it again I don't think I would LST them like I did, instead I would just let it grow. I hope this helps in some way, I'm still learning too so I look forward to what you come up with!


Active Member
Well if you are growing Easy Ryders some advice I can give you is that I found that they are sensitive to heat and being too close to the light. Typically people say to keep cfls 2-4 inches away but with Easy Ryders I would stay closer to the 4 inch range. Another thing I can tell you is to either up-can them into bigger pots at about week 2 (Week 3 this strain begins flowering-I wouldn't mess around with transplanting after this point), or put them in 1.5-3 gallon pots right from the beginning. Transplanting stresses plants and slightly stunts their growth which isn't typically a big deal when doing photoperiod plants but when dealing with autoflowering plants, since their lifespan is so short, even minor stress can diminish yeild. I'm about midway through week 5 with mine and if I were going to do it again I don't think I would LST them like I did, instead I would just let it grow. I hope this helps in some way, I'm still learning too so I look forward to what you come up with!
I highly disagree with this post. Do not keep the clf's 4 inches away. That is crazy to say and I very much disagree. I recommend LST, you seem to say "instead I would just let it grow" LST doesn't stop growth it encourages it, it just makes better use of light. I recommend LST, and cfl's about 2 inches away.


Well-Known Member
So have you also grown easy ryder? I didn't think I was that crazy? I was just taking into consideration that he has two 42 watt bulbs which I thought might put off a decent ammount of heat especially for his seedlings. Again, this is just my experience with this strain. I saw that mine were showing signs of heat stress and moved the lights up a bit and it seemed to clear up the problem. I'm not telling him he NEEDS to do this he was just looking for advice so I shared my experience. With the LST thing, what I meant by "let it grow" is let it grow untrained instead of LSTing into a bush. Again, IMO if I were to go back and do it again I wouldn't LST because I feel like I have multiple budsites but not many are very large, I would be interested to see how big the main cola would get if untrained. Just sharing personal experience and thoughts and I'm not saying Puffin $trong must do it this way. This strain is pretty easy to grow and I'm sure he will get nice results! Happy Growing!


Active Member
oh and i just bought a 55 watt today also! still waiting for the girl to break the dirt its gunna be day 2 tonight at 1 am


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im still waiting on another seed to germ cracked open but no white tail? any help with that its been few days


Active Member
Give it time. Seeing as your height-fully challenged I'd recommend LST. I'd say work your wattage up. Only use like 1 bulb @ 1-3 inches away from the plant for 4 days then add another until day 15 then add the rest.


Active Member
I checked that other seed that hasn't germed and its cracked open and has something red in there...but still no tail is something wrong?


Well-Known Member
Something red huh? Doesn't sound too good but don't give up on it just yet. May I ask how you are germinating that particular seed? As for the one in soil just drop your lights down close to the soil as foolet said 1-3 inches. Mine popped in 3 days so just be patient. Keep the soil moist and keep them lights close!


Active Member
im starting to see the seed rising to the top of the soil today...still nothing on the other seed yet i started germing another one of the freebees attitude gave me.


I'll keep eye on this thread, I just started an easy ryder and afghan kush ryder, the afghan sprouted it's taproot much faster, but they are both in rockwool for 2 days now, waiting to sprout

Edit: World of Seeds - Afghan Ceres - Easy Ryder


Active Member
my ak47 germed very quick but one of the freebees dinafema critical is still in the paper towell cracked but no root?


Active Member
Just leave it be for 2 weeks then give up I'd say. I have no idea why you aren't seeing a tail, maybe if you wait it'll come out.