first autoflower lighting question.... plz help


Active Member
Ok so I'm 5 days in on my afghan kush ryders. And there like a half inch too an inch tall... Very small still and I'm not sure if its cause of the light.... Info on me... This is my 3rd grow ... No longer a noob but def not a pro.. doing all this in my closet ... My closets about 3 feet deep... 5 feet wide and 6ft of growing height (with 18 more inchs given for minimum distance from light) right now I'm using a 400W MH and was going to switch to the 400W HPS when it passed the 14 day suggested veg timer on the strain... I guess my question is... Will it grow faster with the HPS or should I stick with the original plan of switching at the 14th day..? Thx!


Active Member
I don't think the HPS would help. Could just have some runts. Five days isn't very old but since this isn't your first rodeo I figure they are extra small. 5 days from pop the second set of leaves shouldn't be very big yet so maybe just wait and see. They are still young but I'd try and push the MH a bit closer soon to about 12-13 inches if its bare or around 9-10 inches if its cooled and there is glass between.


Well-Known Member
Most afgan cush will start flowering around 21 days on the early ones but thevmajority start closer to 30 days. Id veg till a week after they start to flower.they should start to really take off growing any day now. I have found if you keep them to damp it slows their growth, they like to dry out a little between waterings.


When is a good time to switch from t5 to hps with femenized autos. I've read that with femenized seeds you don't want to switch to hps too early. .....


Well-Known Member
When is a good time to switch from t5 to hps with femenized autos. I've read that with femenized seeds you don't want to switch to hps too early. .....
theres always room for yellow .... i mean alot of people start them under hps no need to waste valuable veg time


Well-Known Member
and if there growing slow ive noticed that over watering slow and almost stops growth in any of the growth stages