First Bubbletronic Grow - Late Start


Active Member
I forgot to mention how sorry I am about your shipping delays DW that really sux. My stuff arrived on time & the wait almost drove me nuts!

Anyway I am 44 days into 12/12, but only 28 days of flowering. This strain says 8-9 weeks of flower, still a ways to go.

Todays pics:



Well-Known Member
Sweet half way there!
4ish more weeks and that girl will be very sexy... lol

Yea I have had to many problems with these companys and I am hanging on to my state of mind by a thread. :(


Active Member
Things don't seem to be going all that great. Candy is VERY droopy. She is 38 days into flower & "buds" are not really progressing like I'd hoped.

I put the 4 others in the flower room, not sure of sex, there was some label confusion. I think 2 are male & 2 are female.

Took 3 clones from each of the 4, will be MUCH more careful with the labels this time. When I know sexes, I will only grow 5 and maybe keep 1 for a Mom.

Any idea why Candy's leaves are sooo droopy?
Ph, room temp & water temps are fine, roots look good.


Well-Known Member
This is just my opinion but I think the roots are not getting enough air (I know it makes no sence seeing how its in a bubbleponics system), The leaves just look like it needs more air. Mabye another airstone


Active Member
I have 3 12 inch air stones in there & they're bubbling like crazy. It s a MASSIVE root ball though. I am stumped. Maybe I should add a little h2o2, or take her out of the water & let the roots breathe a bit or......?


Active Member
The new veg room!

I have 12 clones that are 16 days old. They actually look great, but they have absolutely NO ROOTS. I mean none, not even a nubbin of a root trying to grow. There are new leaves growing on all of them, they are growing in every way except roots. Any idea how this is possible???

(No nutes yet
Took the cuttings from bottom or low-middle of 4 of my plants just before they went into 12/12 (3 from each). 45 degree angle, in water, scraped the bottom with my nail, then dipped in cloning gel. Cut rockwool in half and put the cutting in that. Put them into the hydroton covered the netcups and butted the water tubes next to the rockwool with a slight trickle. Very little light. (1 cfl with a diffuser to block most of it) Same way I dd it last time)



Well-Known Member
I love the new room set up but why is the light coved with a blue tarp?
So you are letting the roots dry everyday and the leaves are still drooping? Thats odd.
How do the roots look?
As for your root problem with the clones I would say they are getting to much water. If plants get to much water then there is no reason for them to grow and look for the water.
Remember your feeding line only need to trikel not flow water like nuts. So if it is trikilign right now i would say turn it off for a few hours every day untill you saw roots.


Active Member
I love the new room set up but why is the light coved with a blue tarp?

Didn't want too much lights on the clones

So you are letting the roots dry everyday and the leaves are still drooping? Thats odd.
How do the roots look?

huge - beautiful root ball

As for your root problem with the clones I would say they are getting to much water. If plants get to much water then there is no reason for them to grow and look for the water.
Remember your feeding line only need to trikel not flow water like nuts. So if it is trikilign right now i would say turn it off for a few hours every day untill you saw roots.

Fantastic idea! I will try that - thanks so much!


Well-Known Member
give the clones all kinds of light or they might streach to much (less bud)

is the root ball white or an odd brown?
let me know if the trick works for your clones


Active Member
give the clones all kinds of light or they might streach to much (less bud)

is the root ball white or an odd brown?
let me know if the trick works for your clones
The root ball is white. Is it OK to give the clones lotsa lite when they have no roots?? Thought it was limited light till rooted.


Well-Known Member
I would take the tarp off. And leave the light where it is. This is because its a cfl right. Cfls dont give off that much light as is.
Now I have a question for you mabye you can help me out. I personally never have taken a clone I have always gotten my clones from my old dealer. (who is now dead from a car accident)
So I have taken a clone from my plant and I took it off the top from the main stem and I dont know if it will work. Do you knowif it will?


Active Member
Now I have a question for you mabye you can help me out. I personally never have taken a clone I have always gotten my clones from my old dealer. (who is now dead from a car accident)
So I have taken a clone from my plant and I took it off the top from the main stem and I dont know if it will work. Do you knowif it will?
Sorry to hear about your friend.:-(

It will probably work as long as you have at least one node and an inch of good stem below it. I am not an expert (obviously) but I have grown six now and on my way to 12 more. I have read that they are better (stronger) if you take the cuttings from the bottom of the plant, but I did take one from closer to the top last time and it worked.
Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
Looking SWEET!!!!!!
I would say your close enough to taste
Hows the clones doing?