First buildout I actually own can you double check my math and tell me if I’m nuts


Active Member
Finally bought a home & finally have the ability to grow with no partners or boss.

Room dimension

18 feet x 15 feet x 9 feet

12 800 watt leds
108 plants ( 9 per light or 4x4)
2 gal coco containers on irrigation.

figuring on avg +- 2000 milliliters/day per plant.

2000x108 plants =216,000 Milliliters/day.
216,000/3800=56.8 gallons
56.8x8 ( pints) =454.7pints/day
This is how I came up with my Dehu needs. Little under spec with dehus just slightly but thinking the a/c will help with the small gap.

total watts in the room :
Lighting 800x12= 9,600 watts
2 Anden 210 pint dehums =3,200 watts
Wall fans and misc = 1,500 watts

total watts 14,300.00
X4 btu. = 57,200.00 btu’s of cooling needed or 4.75 tons.

for some reason almost 5 tons of cooking seems in my mind, a little bit over kill for a 12 lighter in this size room.

also should note I’m in the northeast. Hot humid summers & cold dry winters.

my numbers making sense?

if they are there lies the question what to do about hvac?

do I go mini splits? Do I bite the bullet and get a 5 ton air handler? Friends of mine have mentioned reheat but I don’t fully understand it.

if I do go the mini split route I’ve been seeing units that you can duct in as opposed to just having the heads which I gotta say intrigues me for cooling distribution.

anyways point out my weak spots people! Any insight is appreciated as I wanna build this room out correctly from the start

If I missed any details that are vital let me
Finally bought a home & finally have the ability to grow with no partners or boss.

Room dimension

18 feet x 15 feet x 9 feet

12 800 watt leds
108 plants ( 9 per light or 4x4)
2 gal coco containers on irrigation.

figuring on avg +- 2000 milliliters/day per plant.

2000x108 plants =216,000 Milliliters/day.
216,000/3800=56.8 gallons
56.8x8 ( pints) =454.7pints/day
This is how I came up with my Dehu needs. Little under spec with dehus just slightly but thinking the a/c will help with the small gap.

total watts in the room :
Lighting 800x12= 9,600 watts
2 Anden 210 pint dehums =3,200 watts
Wall fans and misc = 1,500 watts

total watts 14,300.00
X4 btu. = 57,200.00 btu’s of cooling needed or 4.75 tons.

for some reason almost 5 tons of cooking seems in my mind, a little bit over kill for a 12 lighter in this size room.

also should note I’m in the northeast. Hot humid summers & cold dry winters.

my numbers making sense?

if they are there lies the question what to do about hvac?

do I go mini splits? Do I bite the bullet and get a 5 ton air handler? Friends of mine have mentioned reheat but I don’t fully understand it.

if I do go the mini split route I’ve been seeing units that you can duct in as opposed to just having the heads which I gotta say intrigues me for cooling distribution.

anyways point out my weak spots people! Any insight is appreciated as I wanna build this room out correctly from the start

If I missed any details that are vital let me
This promises to be interesting, I will be following this one. I wish I had advice but I haven’t run anything bigger than 4 800’s.. very envious of your space and ambition. Have you run something of similar size before?
This promises to be interesting, I will be following this one. I wish I had advice but I haven’t run anything bigger than 4 800’s.. very envious of your space and ambition. Have you run something of similar size before?
First things that pop to mind, getting your electrician to build you the appropriate amperage circuits to run everything.
Be using multiple sensors throughout the area.
Are you going to be closed system with co2 generators?
Again.. sorry I don’t have the experience for this size op, but am geeking out at the thought of it.. would love to do something that scale.
This promises to be interesting, I will be following this one. I wish I had advice but I haven’t run anything bigger than 4 800’s.. very envious of your space and ambition. Have you run something of similar size before?
Thank you for the response & yes if I have the time I will have to do a grow journal for the forum.

I’ve run much larger facilities for various companies. Indoor & greenhouse.Most of the indoor facilities I have managed or consulted for I was not a part of the build out/engineering process. ThTs why I’m posting my numbers to get some feedback and make sure my brain and numbers are still good and working in regards to equipment sizing.
First things that pop to mind, getting your electrician to build you the appropriate amperage circuits to run everything.
Be using multiple sensors throughout the area.
Are you going to be closed system with co2 generators?
Again.. sorry I don’t have the experience for this size op, but am geeking out at the thought of it.. would love to do something that scale.
Yes I plan on dropping a new 200 amp service dedicated to this space. The logistics of getting the panel in and service applied are still being figured out.

sealed room that I plan on just injecting co2 not burning gas.
Thank you for the response & yes if I have the time I will have to do a grow journal for the forum.

I’ve run much larger facilities for various companies. Indoor & greenhouse.Most of the indoor facilities I have managed or consulted for I was not a part of the build out/engineering process. ThTs why I’m posting my numbers to get some feedback and make sure my brain and numbers are still good and working in regards to equipment sizing.
Ah lovely, I will just watch and learn then. Good luck friend.
I am flowering 6 plants in an 11’ x11’ room.
At lights on last night, i did my normal feeding- made 8 gallons of nutrients, and staked up a bunch of branches that are beginning to sag - I was in there around an hour and a half.
I can’t imagine 108 plants! You obviously have experience but how can 1 person care for that many plants? This would be a full time job for me
Finally bought a home & finally have the ability to grow with no partners or boss.

Room dimension

18 feet x 15 feet x 9 feet

12 800 watt leds
108 plants ( 9 per light or 4x4)
2 gal coco containers on irrigation.

figuring on avg +- 2000 milliliters/day per plant.

2000x108 plants =216,000 Milliliters/day.
216,000/3800=56.8 gallons
56.8x8 ( pints) =454.7pints/day
This is how I came up with my Dehu needs. Little under spec with dehus just slightly but thinking the a/c will help with the small gap.

total watts in the room :
Lighting 800x12= 9,600 watts
2 Anden 210 pint dehums =3,200 watts
Wall fans and misc = 1,500 watts

total watts 14,300.00
X4 btu. = 57,200.00 btu’s of cooling needed or 4.75 tons.

for some reason almost 5 tons of cooking seems in my mind, a little bit over kill for a 12 lighter in this size room.

also should note I’m in the northeast. Hot humid summers & cold dry winters.

my numbers making sense?

if they are there lies the question what to do about hvac?

do I go mini splits? Do I bite the bullet and get a 5 ton air handler? Friends of mine have mentioned reheat but I don’t fully understand it.

if I do go the mini split route I’ve been seeing units that you can duct in as opposed to just having the heads which I gotta say intrigues me for cooling distribution.

anyways point out my weak spots people! Any insight is appreciated as I wanna build this room out correctly from the start

If I missed any details that are vital let me
Air handler and reheat is the way I would go. Tons of YouTube videos explaining how to do it.
I am flowering 6 plants in an 11’ x11’ room.
At lights on last night, i did my normal feeding- made 8 gallons of nutrients, and staked up a bunch of branches that are beginning to sag - I was in there around an hour and a half.
I can’t imagine 108 plants! You obviously have experience but how can 1 person care for that many plants? This would be a full time job for me
Small plants, quick burn and turn. And yes some elbow grease. It’s more how big is the canopy than thinking in terms of how many plants I need to manage.
Air handler and reheat is the way I would go. Tons of YouTube videos explaining how to do it.
Roger that I’m gunna have to do more research on the reheat. I just don’t understand it but obviously I need to do a little more research. I’m sure an hvac guy as well installing the air handler would know.

grrrrrr. I wanna just do mini splits but to many people and friendstelling me just get a 5 ton air handler and reheat
Air handler and reheat is the way I would go. Tons of YouTube videos explaining how to do it.
I’m definitely going to talk to my hvac guy on this, as much as I watch, listen & read I still can’t quite grasp this concept.
I am co side ring ducting in my dehums though which will remove a significant amount of btus. Thoughts on that?
I have pretty much the same room, 12 lighter, although 800 is gonna be a bit too much per 4x4 unless they're inefficent. That's 50 watts per sq/ft, im running 35 per sq/ft to get 900-1000 ppfd. Im using about half the AC and dehumidification you spec'd out.
I have pretty much the same room, 12 lighter, although 800 is gonna be a bit too much per 4x4 unless they're inefficent. That's 50 watts per sq/ft, im running 35 per sq/ft to get 900-1000 ppfd. Im using about half the AC and dehumidification you spec'd out.
What does your room need for water on a daily basis and what medium are you in?

Also do you know roughly how many total watts or btus all equipment in your room is throwing on a daily basis?

how well insulated would you say your room is?

do you run into any environmental challenges or lack of control at your current specs?

appreciate the feed back, sounds like I can learn a lot from your current grow to help with mine.

Noted* with this 800 watts being a little high, I haven’t made my final selection on LED brand so through 800 on my estimate to be conservative in the electrical department.