first cabinet CFL bagseed


My first grow with a DIY cabinet and 10 seeds from a friend who said they were Hawaiian Hash/Hindu Skunk. Once I sex them and remove the males I will LST if 3 or more females, SOG if 1 or 2 females. I have ran tests on empty box and temps stay at 80 deg.

  • I got the box at an auction for $4
  • Lined it with 98%reflective insulation
  • Installed a 4 inch inline fan at 165 CFM
  • DIY pencil cup carbon filter
  • 4 - 26w 2300k CFL
  • 2 - 26w 5000k CFL
  • DIY light fixture with dog chain height adjustment
  • Six 1in passive air intake near bottom with double layer nylon covering
  • GFCI outlet for safety
  • Dual speed small fan to circulate air
  • Roots soil
  • Molasses

Lets grow!



Day 5 and five of the ten seedlings have sprouted.
The second photo is the tallest one that was touching the plastic cover.
The other four are about a half inch tall but look good.



Update: Day 7
Removed the last two that didn't sprout and dug in the dirt to see what was going on and neither seed did anything. So I removed those two cups.

Added 3 DIY CO2 fermentors made out of Gatorade bottles, duct tape, warm/hot water, sugar, yeast and straws. Saw the bubbling in the straw right away.

The light cycle has been 24/0 and now they are all up it will change to 18/6 for one more week or so.
day7seedlings.jpg diyco2.jpgboxday7.jpg

They appear to all be in the same family as they all have the same purple stem, and leaf size difference looks the same with all of them.


We had quite a wind storm here last week and was without power for 3 days. I never opened the box until the power came back on and 4 cups had mold so I pulled those out and now there are only 4 left.
The 4 that are left were very dry so I watered with a molasses/water mix and turned the lights to 12/12 that was Friday Oct. 29th.

The lights come on at 9 tonight so I will take photos then for an update. But they looked great this morning.


When the lights came on at 8 I did the usual and tended to the 3 plants that are left. Inspecting for bugs or any problems and I found the first sign of an confirmed female on one of the plants. It was the first seed out of the ground and has been leading the way ever sense. So started flowering after 10 days of sticking the seed in the ground, and 16 days into flowering shows sex. I am hoping the other 2 show themselves by morning. Very exciting!


Day 28 and two plants are showing female sex, and the other one is a couple days behind in maturity.

I finally got some photos this morning enjoy!
The red pot flowered first and the white pot flowered second.



Ok 4 weeks into flowering and they look so good. Here are three photos from Friday when they were 4 weeks old. I went to Home Depot and spent $15 on a 64w 2700k CFL and cant believe I didn't get one earlier, you can see part of it in the third photo its so big. The photo with the single plant is the one that's been budding the most and fastest. The other two plants are budding out nicely.
So far I have only fed with molasses every other water, and I only have watered when the soil is very dry. When I do water I make sure its over flowing through the bottom. It seems to be working out very well as the leaves are very green and the bud is forming well. I have been chopping quite a few fan leaves so they don't shade any cola sites.



Well week 7 of flower and the tricomes are growing like crazy. I am only using straight water now and dark period gets down to 60 at times. Very dry humidity at only 20%. They are emiting a stinky sweet smell in the box, the DIY carbon filter seems to be doing the trick as outside the box their is no odor.
Here are two photos of the top colas on the two bigger plants.

They look good to me but what do I know its my first time.

Can't wait to harvest. Maybe 2 weeks left, pistols have been changing colors but tricomes are still clear/white.

OH yeah its winter and I have been getting knee deep powder!


Thanks Driz3e!
I was just tending to the ladies and wondering the same thing. They seem to be swelling the last couple of days with the tricomes just starting to turn cloudy/amber. I am guessing we are in the final stretch to harvest with just under 2 weeks but we will see.
I am guessing one plant will yield 10 grams, one will yield 7g, and maybe 4g on the third plant, but only time will tell. I will veg longer next time and only grow 2 plants with a Scrog. I have learned so much thanks to these boards!

Next update on Christmas Day

Happy Holidays from the Great White North!


Active Member
great looking plants! especially for CFLs. im using about the same size setup, not as fancied up with the nutes and such tho! but good on ya! ive got 4 plants that look about the same size/yield. one is just a huge dense ...blob. its beautifully