First CFL flowering but not a Newbie.. any tips from people that have done a few runs


i have over 30 bulbs on my blue dragon and shes 3 feet tall right now so i know what im doing but im just seeing if any experienced cfl growers have any tips with flowering times and such ..? does it take longer? if you increase light do you still get smaller yields with cfls? any and all tips are helpful.. thanks guys!!


Well-Known Member
Your flowering time is dependent on the strain you are growing, each strain has different flowering times. The amount of light doesn't change the amount of time to flower or to mature.

It doesn't take any longer then using HID but it's easier to grow dense nugs with HID, but it is very possible with cfls as that's where I started out. It's all about keeping them close.

Yields are depending on if you trained any or how healthy the plant is, amount of lumens on her. Just really a lot of things. You can yield just as well with cfls as with HID if you have enough light.

Oh and not sure if you are already flowering or if you just started but if she is 3ft tall and your just starting to flower it's going to stretch 2-3 times that, so you will end up with a 6ft+ plant and with cfls it's really hard with that big of plant, that's why most cfl growers veg short and flower early to keep them small and train them.

If you have any other questions let me know.


Well-Known Member
pics are always useful - 30 cfl's is a big cfl setup
sounds like around 700 watts, i'm a cfl fan but for small grows
this many cfl's is an expensive setup


Active Member
Your flowering time is dependent on the strain you are growing, each strain has different flowering times. The amount of light doesn't change the amount of time to flower or to mature.

It doesn't take any longer then using HID but it's easier to grow dense nugs with HID, but it is very possible with cfls as that's where I started out. It's all about keeping them close.

Yields are depending on if you trained any or how healthy the plant is, amount of lumens on her. Just really a lot of things. You can yield just as well with cfls as with HID if you have enough light.

Oh and not sure if you are already flowering or if you just started but if she is 3ft tall and your just starting to flower it's going to stretch 2-3 times that, so you will end up with a 6ft+ plant and with cfls it's really hard with that big of plant, that's why most cfl growers veg short and flower early to keep them small and train them.

If you have any other questions let me know.
Thanks for tip. I just made the switch. To flower hooe al goes well with my cfls


Well-Known Member
pics are always useful - 30 cfl's is a big cfl setup
sounds like around 700 watts, i'm a cfl fan but for small grows
this many cfl's is an expensive setup
No kidding, with that many cfls you might as well run a HID, seeing as 700 watts is 700 watts no matter if it's in cfl or HID.
I've heard of putting the plant on a rotating platform like a microwave plate that should distribute the light and keep lights from burning your plant... May have even been Growone^... You should have nice results with that many cfls and only one plant as long as you got your color spectrum right, but sounds like massive heat... and Im no pro yet but Id recommend figuring out your wattage per inch or foot for best growth and then equally dividing your lights up to line the sides and top all the way around. That way you spread them lumens out and that'll save wasted light and grow bud in more places. I agree with growone get us some pics I get tired of looking at text all the time lol


alll very good tips and points thanks guys.. and im mainly doing this cfl grow because a buddy of mine who has used hid for years said it couldnt be done with cfls so i said .. yes it can be done and it will be better than his, so i gotta live up to it lol


Active Member
Seems like you might know what you're doing. The only advice I can offer is move those lights often, sometimes three times a day.

Do you have all 13 watt 2700K's? Are they each hanging seperately, or are they clustered on fixture(s)?

You have a remote thermometer? The problem is usually not enough heat, but with 30 CFLs that might be less of a problem. What has been your tempature range? I'm under the opinion that much above 80 and you get bugs, and much below 60 you get mold.

The most powerful pot I've ever smoked was BC Depot's God Bud done under CFL.