First CFL Grow!2 Moby Dick, White Rhino, ???, and a cup full of schwag!


Well-Known Member
I was so happy to see everything looking so healthy when I stopped by ;) your coleus looks so HAPPY.
Keep up the good work girl!!
Hey dropped by to check out how bad RIU affected your thread ;( Looking good great job killing that boy nice and quick.
Update:with riu dying so did my light-rack and all of my plants :( Ill pm you if i get it going again


Active Member
Isn't it exciting to see your love and devotion paying off? very gratifying, and the more you watch them grow, the more excited you'll get!
I love it!
Did we lose Lo? We miss you come back lol. After the crash my thread was deleted and I am too pussy and paranoid to start a new one lol. I hope your ladies are doing well and I hope to hear from you soon.


Active Member
Did we lose Lo? We miss you come back lol. After the crash my thread was deleted and I am too pussy and paranoid to start a new one lol. I hope your ladies are doing well and I hope to hear from you soon.
lol shes been updating. id really like to see how ur girls are doing


Well-Known Member
Haha she's in her own world I guess lol. Smooth I want to see how that big bushy lady is doing too! I started getting a little paranoid too, but I think it's all good now.
Thanks so much to all of you, oftheCosmos, Cali, Grandaddy p, Strank, lag, Smooth for the encouragement!

Hey dropped by to check out how bad RIU affected your thread ;( Looking good great job killing that boy nice and quick.
Update:with riu dying so did my light-rack and all of my plants :( Ill pm you if i get it going again
What happened?! I'm so sorry for your loss, that's terrible. :( Maybe it's a sign to give outdoor growing a shot?

Here are some more flowering pics just beginning WEEK 3! woot


Well-Known Member
Haha she's in her own world I guess lol. Smooth I want to see how that big bushy lady is doing too! I started getting a little paranoid too, but I think it's all good now.
Thanks so much to all of you, oftheCosmos, Cali, Grandaddy p, Strank, lag, Smooth for the encouragement!

What happened?! I'm so sorry for your loss, that's terrible. :( Maybe it's a sign to give outdoor growing a shot?

Here are some more flowering pics just beginning WEEK 3! woot
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They're coming along nicely! Its almost time for them to start putting on weight!


Well-Known Member
they look so pretty logarithmic, your gonna have an awesome yield there :) I can't wait until you have to use some bamboo to hold up the weight of all those delectable colas ;)


Well-Known Member
haha those look good enough to eat!
actually... the other day... I was really stoned and when I was moving them around I broke off a branch.
and then... I was going to give it to my cat to play with but I had this weird urge.
and then... I ate the flowers.

I liked it.

they look so pretty logarithmic, your gonna have an awesome yield there :) I can't wait until you have to use some bamboo to hold up the weight of all those delectable colas ;)
Thanks lady! I can't wait either :D
I would love to grow Moby D again, they have been such forgiving and resilient plants, plus they look like they're going to be heavy yielders!

Should I start trimming off lower bud formations so that more energy can focus up top?


Well-Known Member
I trimmed mine only if they were not getting ANY light and were droopy, but yeah...I cut a few off. The ones I didn't cut off I ended up throwing them in with my hash cuz they were too small to even smoke. Wished I cut em off. But if your lsting I'd think you would want to remove all small growth and the shit in between that doesn't get light.


Active Member
actually... the other day... I was really stoned and when I was moving them around I broke off a branch.
and then... I was going to give it to my cat to play with but I had this weird urge.
and then... I ate the flowers.

I liked it.

Thanks lady! I can't wait either :D
I would love to grow Moby D again, they have been such forgiving and resilient plants, plus they look like they're going to be heavy yielders!

Should I start trimming off lower bud formations so that more energy can focus up top?
ugh weed has such a sour taste to me but lol nice


ugh weed has such a sour taste to me but lol nice
I love the taste of it, Occasionally I'll grind some up and put it in my gum or suck on it like snuff or chew( I don't do either) I love the taste, doesn't really get me high but I just love flavor... somewhere between clean laundry and tea... Ha I know I'm an oddball.