first cfl grow + bag seed. real low budget!


I got 3 beans in a paper towel all three cracked this morning. I will be blanting them tomorrow. Pictures tomorrow! I am planing on using 6-10 23watt cfls (2700k & 5000k). Little cab grow I am excited.


i started the same grow in a stealth dresser......2 weeks veg so i didnt have to worry about height........goodluck


Active Member
Let's see those pics! I'm planning on a similar grow. 8-10 26w, 2-3 plants. Gonna keep an eye on what may develop here;) Best of luck, my friend!


From what I understand let em sprout, and go easy on watering the sprouts.
Cool cool I have been keeping the top moist but its a dry day today. I transferred the one seed out of the over watered cup(it was almost a swamp in there) into a new cup and the tap root was about 1.5" I hope I got a good batch. I am also germing one more bean from the same little stash I had.
nice man. goodluck. im doing my first time cfl as well. very very limited money and got my seeds from a bud i was smoking. no pics yet.


Well-Known Member
bout every other day when lights go on ill give me seed water, or if she looks like she could use some give her a good hit but if u have soil that drains real good you shouldnt have a over watering problem


thanks for the support guys cool to see several people going with the broke ass method haha.
I have been giving them a little drip of water every morning. it seems like the soild dries up quite a bit over night.


Well-Known Member
Hopefully this is a stupid question:

Did you remember to poke drainage holes in your cups so excess water can leave the medium?


Thanks for the link dude! And I did poke holes in the cup lol.
I have updated pics that I will post this evening when I get home. All three sprouted and I added another seedling. My heat index is at 79f I think its okay till I get my grow cab ready. I believe I will be going with the Rubbermaid style cab.


i added 3 25w CFLs and it got a little too hot under there and i burned 2 of them but they still look like they are growing so i am not worried.


built a "rubbermaid" cab today (actually a sterlite)
cost me $20 for 2 fans, the tub, white paint and a duct.
one of the two burned plants is fucked but still alive. I am keeping it alive just to see what happens. the reach of the larger leaves is about an inch now on the biggest plant and about 3/4" on the smaller ones. here are pics of the cab.
heat index is at 73f now.



Active Member
built a "rubbermaid" cab today (actually a sterlite)
cost me $20 for 2 fans, the tub, white paint and a duct.
one of the two burned plants is fucked but still alive. I am keeping it alive just to see what happens. the reach of the larger leaves is about an inch now on the biggest plant and about 3/4" on the smaller ones. here are pics of the cab.
heat index is at 73f now.
hey man, just checked out ur grow n its a nice set up. one rule u always follow tho is exhaust fan on the upper most part of the tub since hot air rises n the intake at the very bottom. and try poking holes in the cups. just small ones so the water can run out, thats how i kept all my plants from being over watered. the soil will hold the water it needs n will get rid of wat it doesnt. ill follow ur grow man, i got one plant right now n its a month n two days old. im low stress training it. good luck man,