First CFL Grow: Barney's LSD


This is (as stated) my first grow. Did a fair amount of reading before starting here are some basics with pictures (: Constructive criticism is welcomed.

Soil: FFOF
Nutes: none yet, but probably FF trio after 3 weeks
Lighting: CFLs + natural sunlight
# of plants: 2 (labeled #1 and #2, creative right?)
Water: bottled

1. Day 3 of #1. Day 1 of #2
2. Close up of #1
3. Close up of #2


Day 5 / 3 (of #1 and #2 respectively)
4. Side view
5. Close up #1
6. Close up #2


Day 6 / 4 (of #1 and #2 respectively)
7. Side View
8. Close up #1
9. Close up #2


#1 - initial leaves were missing and ending up growing in all goofy looking haha
#2 - was germinated just 12 day later, but looks significantly behind in growth


Moved pots because roots starting growing through the jiffy pots

Day 7 / 5 (of #1 and #2 respectively)
1. Side view #1
2. Close up #1
3. Side view #2
4. Close up #2


Day 8 / 6 (of #1 and #2 respectively)
1. Side view #1
2. Close up #1
3. Side view #2
4. Close up #2


Day 9 / 7 (of #1 and #2 respectively)
1. Side view #1
2. Close up #1
3. Side view #2
4. Close up #2


Day 11 / 9 (of #1 and #2 respectively)
1. Side view #1
2. Close up #1
3. Side view #2
4. Close up #2



1. Side view of #1
2. Close up of #1
3. Side view of #2
4. Close up of #2


*Started having gnat problems, so put up hot shot, yellow sticky pads, and sprayed some neem oil. Also tried to water less.
*Planning to LST #1 and Uncle Ben #2
*Does everything look ok so far? Anyone with experience notice anything that I should fix? At 2 weeks, I hope this amount of growth is adequate so far.


1. Side view #1
2. Top view #1 ( sad..right)
3. Side view #2
4. Top view #2


* #1 - began to LST 4 days ago, and when I came back, it grew into the light and burned pretty bad
* #2 - slight burns on edges of leaves, not as bad as #1.
* Both plants are working on nodes 5 and 6. Hoping to uncle ben #2 soon. and might have to uncle ben #1 if leaves continue to die off.
* Will be starting vegging nutes next week
* Any tips pertaining to LST/topping/burn treating would be greatly appreciated!


Active Member
They're looking great!!! I'm growing Barney's LSD too, just germinated 4 of em a week ago and they're all under 600w HPS since day 1, but not healthy looking as yours. Like lorax101 said, use the uncle Ben's method to get 4 colas, your plants are big enough for that, and my own suggestion for u: get some larger pots, plenty room for root growth is very important. My plants only stayed in the party cups 2 days after germination, I transplanted em into 7 gal tree pots after the 2ed set of leaves popped out. Don't wait until the net of root is formed, the longer u wait, the longer it will delay or even stop the growth. Keep me updated.


They're looking great!!! I'm growing Barney's LSD too, just germinated 4 of em a week ago and they're all under 600w HPS since day 1, but not healthy looking as yours. Like lorax101 said, use the uncle Ben's method to get 4 colas, your plants are big enough for that, and my own suggestion for u: get some larger pots, plenty room for root growth is very important. My plants only stayed in the party cups 2 days after germination, I transplanted em into 7 gal tree pots after the 2ed set of leaves popped out. Don't wait until the net of root is formed, the longer u wait, the longer it will delay or even stop the growth. Keep me updated.
Thanks (:
I definitely want to get larger (specifically, LONGER pots) but not sure where to get them. I've been pretty worried about getting root-bound.
The current pots were easy to find at Wal-mart. Maybe I should look for a hydroponic store?
Thanks for the suggestion! Best wishes on your grow as well!


Day 22 / 20 (of plants #1 and #2 respectively)
The 3rd week just ended, so these will be starting the 4th week this sunday (:

1. Side view #1
2. Top view #1
3. Side view #2
4. Top view #2
5. **Extra: Plant #1, close up of burnt top.

**Extra: #5

*Starting nutrients this week
*Hoping to transplant to bigger pots in a few days
*Must add more lights!!
*No more gnat problems :hump:

*#1 side branches are growing in. It is working on it's 6th node, but the top is still pretty ugly. The top doesn't look like it's recovering or growing at all. Since I'm experimenting with LST for this plant, I think most of the light is going to the side branches as opposed to the top. Anyone with some insight? I'm thinking of just topping it and continuing LST. Could I uncle ben #1 and continue to LST?

*#2 is looking green and working on it's 6th node as well. It started off slower and scrawnier than #1, but it definitely caught up. Looking to uncle ben #2 this week as well.

**Extra: #5 notes: The fan leaves on the 5th and 6th nodes of plant #1 were burnt after just 3 days of LST.
If you look closely, the new baby leaves in the upper right hand corner of the picture belong to the 6th node.
Wish I had photoshop to draw indications, but I don't. Lo siento.
Anyway.. they are fairly small, so the burn is pretty significant (half of entire leaf), I don't think it has enough surface area to even try and recover.
Actually...I'm comparing extra photos of the burn on plant #1, and it looks like the leaves on node 6 are growing in fairly well despite the burn. Not sure, I guess I'll have to be patient and check back in a few days.

Tips/advice would be appreciated(:


Well-Known Member
I think that if you are going to top #1 above the second node you should do it soon. It should recover fine and yes you should be fine to continue LST on it after you top it. This should turn the plant into a bush quickly. But I think as long they are past their fifth to sixth node they should be ready to get topped. From what I've read the LSD reacts well to topping. Looking forward to seeing how this goes for you.
can someone help me out i have a plant that was flowering and my cfl light fell and landed on the top part of the plant and burned up the stem and a little of the bud and it only burned the vary top part of the stem but like its not crispy burnt its just brown in that top part where the bud is and its hanging down the side of the plant so i bandeged it up with a wef papor towle and the towle is holding it up right

IM WONDERING IF IT CAN HEAL ITSELF IF THE STEM IS DAMAGED LIKE THAT please help i have a video on youtube called EMERGANCY HELP PLEASE and theres a part 2 where u can see it bandeged


I think that if you are going to top #1 above the second node you should do it soon. It should recover fine and yes you should be fine to continue LST on it after you top it. This should turn the plant into a bush quickly. But I think as long they are past their fifth to sixth node they should be ready to get topped. From what I've read the LSD reacts well to topping. Looking forward to seeing how this goes for you.
Thanks! I've always wondered whether LST and Uncle Ben's technique could work together.

can someone help me out i have a plant that was flowering and my cfl light fell and landed on the top part of the plant and burned up the stem and a little of the bud and it only burned the vary top part of the stem but like its not crispy burnt its just brown in that top part where the bud is and its hanging down the side of the plant so i bandeged it up with a wef papor towle and the towle is holding it up right

IM WONDERING IF IT CAN HEAL ITSELF IF THE STEM IS DAMAGED LIKE THAT please help i have a video on youtube called EMERGANCY HELP PLEASE and theres a part 2 where u can see it bandeged
Are you in the right thread?
I wouldn't know since I don't know what the extent of damage is to your plant..
Maybe you should post here.


x. continuing to LST #1
x. uncle ben topped #2
x. watered (haven't watered since last thursday)
x. sprayed some neem oil

Forgot camera at boyfriend's house so no pictures until later this week when I'm done with finals !! bongsmilie


Active Member
Thanks (:
I definitely want to get larger (specifically, LONGER pots) but not sure where to get them. I've been pretty worried about getting root-bound.
The current pots were easy to find at Wal-mart. Maybe I should look for a hydroponic store?
Thanks for the suggestion! Best wishes on your grow as well![/QUOTE

well there are many ways to get bigger pots, cat litter case, plastic bucket... U can go to a random Chinese restaurant and ask the owner if they got unwanted soy sauce buckets, they usually come in 4 liters, and of cuz ebay, here's a link:
choose the size depend on how big u want your plants grow and how much room u got. Mine are 7 gals which is enough to grow a lil' 5ft Christmas tree in it.
My plants are strugling for their lifes against pests and the summer heat, now I spray water that soaked cigarette shreds to kill the pests everyday, hope they can make it.


well there are many ways to get bigger pots, cat litter case, plastic bucket... U can go to a random Chinese restaurant and ask the owner if they got unwanted soy sauce buckets, they usually come in 4 liters, and of cuz ebay, here's a link:
choose the size depend on how big u want your plants grow and how much room u got. Mine are 7 gals which is enough to grow a lil' 5ft Christmas tree in it.
My plants are strugling for their lifes against pests and the summer heat, now I spray water that soaked cigarette shreds to kill the pests everyday, hope they can make it.
The restaurant idea is genius, thanks for the link(:
The soaked cigarette water sounds interesting, I thought tobacco was like poison to the plants?
I'm using this and I think it's doing a decent job.
Good luck with the pests!


Active Member
The restaurant idea is genius, thanks for the link(:
The soaked cigarette water sounds interesting, I thought tobacco was like poison to the plants?
I'm using this and I think it's doing a decent job.
Good luck with the pests!
Thank u but I wanna keep it an organic way so never use any chemical, and the cig-water has done the job, bugs are all gone.
Read this thread, it might help u in the future:
and wash em good if u get the soy sauce buckets.


Day 27 / 25 (of #1 and #2 respectively)

1. #1 side
2. #1 top
3. #1 close up near lower nodes
4. #1 close up near higher nodes


5. #2 side
6. #2 top
7. #2 close up of new growth
8. #2 close up of lower growth


*#1 -- Side branches are growing in. One of the first side branches noticeably behind in growth. Most likely because its fan leaf is the one I accidentally ripped when I was over-zealously wiping neem oil off the surface haha. Re-tied the stem down. Must find something to do about the awkwardly growing fan leaves.
*#2 -- Uncle ben'd a few days ago. something about chopping off healthy growth breaks my heart a little. I'm hoping to clone the chopped off portion, hopefully it'll root so it wont go to waste. I'm a little unsure of where the 4 tops should be growing in. I'm assuming it will grow from the side branches that are growing in (please correct me if I'm wrong). It looks like I can see 4 potential tops, however in picture 8, you can see that One of the lower growths is behind.
**Haven't been home to receive my nutrients, but I'll have it today and start asap!
**Still need to install more lights asap as well eeek.


Active Member
Are they fem seeds or just regular ones? I only use fem seeds. I mean the worst thing could happen when u do a 1-4 plants small crop is that they all turned out males...
one of my 4 LSDs died few days ago, it was genetically handicapped in the first place I think. Its leaves never popped out from the seed shell, so I manually peeled shell off 5 days after its root germinated, the 1st set of leaves were shrunken and the 2ed set of leaves were already formed inside the shell, then it grew up to about 2'' and stayed there till died. I'm doing a 4 plants Scrog in a 4.5ft*4.5ft tent, losing one means a big waste of space and electricity....


Are they fem seeds or just regular ones? I only use fem seeds. I mean the worst thing could happen when u do a 1-4 plants small crop is that they all turned out males...
one of my 4 LSDs died few days ago, it was genetically handicapped in the first place I think. Its leaves never popped out from the seed shell, so I manually peeled shell off 5 days after its root germinated, the 1st set of leaves were shrunken and the 2ed set of leaves were already formed inside the shell, then it grew up to about 2'' and stayed there till died. I'm doing a 4 plants Scrog in a 4.5ft*4.5ft tent, losing one means a big waste of space and electricity....
I'm using feminized seeds. Do you have a grow journal?


Day 29 / 27 (of #1 and #2 respectively)
> {May}14.2011 ... end of the 4th week!
> delayed semi-update

1. side #1
2. top #1
3. close up lower nodes #1
4. close up upper nodes #1


5. side #2
6. lower side #2
7. top #2
8. close up top #2


* I have to go out of town for a week. Left on the 14th, coming back on the 21st.
* Started nutes..REALLY NERVOUS because in my rush to leave town, I did not accurately measure and mix the nutes into the water :wall:
* In general, I'm seeing some growth, but not 'explosive' growth by any means ):
* #1 seems alright, the section of the nodes that were burnt when LST first began are looking slow and sad
* #2 one 1 of the 4 tops is really lagging behind in growth. It's the puny bottom one as you can see (or actually not see) in the pictures
* As of today (17th) both plants will veg until the end of next week for a total of about 6 weeks. Then off to flower yayyyyy!!!!!!!!!
* When I come back I'll HAVE TO:

  • change pots (finally)
  • fix/adjust lighting
  • conceal pots inside u-haul wardrobe box (visitors checking out the studio will probably happen in the next month or so since i'm not renewing the lease)