hey man how u getting your pics to come up huge when u post .??? mine are always small thumbnails at the bottom, how do i make them big like yours ?? looking good man!! i'm gonna give these CFL's ago i think.
There is 2 ways you can do it (with keeping your pics on RIU)
1 Post your thread with the attachments then edit your post.
Right click the thumbnail and pick copy link address
then do [.IMG]https://www.rollitup.org/attachments/grow-journals/452420d1245424550-first-cfl-grow-bubblelicious-jun-19-2009-s-001.jpg[./img]
without the periods. amd it will show the large pic in your thread along with the small thumb.
You can also right click the attachment after it has been uploaded and select copy link address (or location or whatever

) then just paste the link between your image tags and walla
Sorry i know its a lil hard to understand, cought the msg right as i was walking out the door so trying to answer the best i can as fast as i can