First CFL grow (Bubblelicious)


Active Member
The 12 clones I took on the 14th should be rooted by tomorrow. I checked the stem on 2/12 and it doubled up and has mass rooting locations that should be growing by tomorrow. The x12 clones I took on the 14th had a misshap 2 days ago. After giving them there daily dose of regular humidity and temp I forgot to lower the tray back down so the larger fan leaves got a little yellow from the heat & humidity.

The mistake was made when i took these clones that I put the tray to far from the light/heat source so they have acclimated to a lower temp & high humidity. Because of this it is taking longer than usual for the roots to develop.

I seem to have both ind & sat pheno of the plants. I probably won't know for sure until around/after day 30, but as of right now I have plants with classic indica short Fatty leaves and a few with sativa skinny leaves. I Believe that i heard that the Sativa dominant version has the strongest bubblegummy smell. Hopefully at least 1 of them is a fem.


Active Member
Day 25

Again more pics. X12 of the clones are most likely rooted.
Each plant currently has 12-15 shoots per plant, no clones will be taken for 1 week to at least triple this per plant after the next cloning.




Active Member
Day 26

I have set up a small temporary flowering area for the x12 clones that were taken on the 14th, All rooted clones will be moved to the temporary flowering area either Friday or Saturday. When more clones have rooted and are taken I will move all rooted clones to the main CFL flowering area.

I am not sure as of yet if I am going to continue to take daily photo's of the to be mothers or just focus on the plants when they start to flower. Either way daily photos will still be taken and posted until the first plant is harvested.

Daily pics follows.




Active Member
Ok so i scrapped my temp flower room for the bubblelicious and have almost completed a different flowering area for them. It is quite a bit smaller than the original flowering area I had set up for the bubblelicious. The areas size is a lot more cfl grow friendly. The new area will have 32k lumen's total and around 6k lumen's per sq ft. (Of course it will be probably more like 4k+ considering the loss of cfl light from distance.)

There are 3 things that still have yet to be completed in the new flowering area. Ventilation, lighting placement & Drainage. Hopefully i will get those done later tonight.


Active Member
Ok so i scrapped my temp flower room for the bubblelicious and have almost completed a different flowering area for them. It is quite a bit smaller than the original flowering area I had set up for the bubblelicious. The areas size is a lot more cfl grow friendly. The new area will have 32k lumen's total and around 6k lumen's per sq ft. (Of course it will be probably more like 4k+ considering the loss of cfl light from distance.)

There are 3 things that still have yet to be completed in the new flowering area. Ventilation, lighting placement & Drainage. Hopefully i will get those done later tonight.
Ventilation is pretty much done for now, Lighting is not completely setup but basicaly this is how my lighting is going to be accross the grow area. the cfl's are going to be staggered.

damn bro the r bushy as fuck. looks great keep it up u'll get a nice amount come harvest time

lol thank you very much :p Ya they are bushy little monsters. They are just going to keep getting more and more bushy though :p I havent taken clones for a few days now and already every plant has atleast x12 clones that i could take right now. (not including all the undergrowth shoots that are stuck in the dense veg :p )

I will get a pic up soon of the bottom of the plant so all branching can be seen. A few of the plants I removed all of one sides branches so I can just push my hand up against the center and all the new growth pops out (looks pretty cool actually I will post a pic of one of those plants later).

** Note **

I should have transplanted the clones days ago to the flowering area but they seem to be having a harder time re-acclimating. So for the time being I will just have to continue to re-acclimate them to normal heat/humidity.
I am thinking that I will have to re-think the humidity box since they seem to be having more trouble re-acclimating than other strains that I have had.



Active Member
Ok here are the pics of the branching on a few of the plants.

the below pic is about the norm for the branching on the plants

The below picture is of one of the plants I removed the side branches on one side so i can just use my hand and push the growth even | so that the inside growth can get some light and stretch out & up.

The below image is one of the smallest plants with the center pushed away for a view of inside the small bush.

The below image (very bad pic but im lazy and not going to retake right now :p ) is of one of the plants tops. there are at least a good 20+ tops pushing up.

Below is a picture taken on 5-6-2009, This is what they looked like 17 days ago.

I had to include the pic from 17 days ago so that people could see what 17 days of growth is. Please remember that these plants have been topped, had over 40+ clones taken from them already (not from any single plant but all together). Just amazing considering that these plants are still not even 30 days old & have undergone being stunned from cloning & topping so there size could be a lot larger. Not to mention that the soil is $1.99 el cheepo Gummers potting soil & the fert is Shultz 10-15-10 lol.



Active Member
Day 29

Ok so i was giving the clones a breather break and broke down and took a few clones.

As always daily pictures will be taken later after the plants have had time to make them selves look pretty again and re-arrange there leaves & new shoots.


Active Member
Day 29

The daily pictures & also clones. (man the camera is way bad lol. makes them all look all withered and dead rofl)




Well-Known Member
hey thats the same fertz Im using, and seems to be doing tha job perfectly...shultz plus 10-15-10 is the shit:hump:

How many drops do u use for each plant?? I usually do 2 or three.. dont want nute burn


Active Member
looking good bro cant wait to see the outcome of ya grow... you should try some of those 68 watt giant cfls(2700k) for flowering faze there supposed to be 300 watt equivalent, they sell em at the HD for like around 16$
Nice I guess im gonna have to run to HD. lol ty for the info man :)

lookin realllyy good!!!

so the only fertilizer your using is Shultz 10-15-10

i still have no idea what to get...
hey thats the same fertz Im using, and seems to be doing tha job perfectly...shultz plus 10-15-10 is the shit:hump:

How many drops do u use for each plant?? I usually do 2 or three.. dont want nute burn
Ya I have only used the Shultz 10-15-10 so far.

You will totally freak out once i tell you how much I use for my plants lol.
I alternate now between 4 FULL dropper fulls & 17 drops per gallon. ** Yes 4 droppers full lol. **

I have pushed to 4 1/2 droppers full and started to see nute burn so dropped back to just 4 droppers full.

NOTE: Bubblelicious seems to be able to handle the extreme nute feeding but other strains may go the way of a quick death if over nuted. I would always suggest slowly increasing your nutes until the first signs of nute burn show then flush your plants and dial your nutes back just a bit. (please don't kill your babies :) )

Today's pictures will be posted in just a little bit :) Ty all for all the responses. :)

Looking great, I love these cfl grows, every topic I go in I see some amazing plants.
lol ty, ya If 10+ years ago you would have told me you could grow good with only CFL's i would have laughed at you but WoW. lol :)


Active Member
Day 31

I have abused a few of the plants pretty bad today. I removed a lot of fan leaves so that the plethora of new shoots don't have to fight to get light. (Yes I know you should always leave your fan leaves and let them fall of on there own. ) It will probably spend the next few days in a stunned abused stupor but that is fine as long as she gives up the shoots, thats all I care about :p

I just roamed the el cheepo camera around the plants and clicked so you get what you get :p lol :) Hey im gettin lazy, I've posted way way way too many veg pics (but there always good for new seed growers to look at so they can see the progress :) .

** Note: you will see one plant thats tops are pretty bunched up that it almost resembles that its getting ready to flower. ITS A MALE. lol. Yes there is still a few males amongst my lil ladies. They will be killed soon enough :p **


