First cfl grow full grow recorded(pics)

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New Member
Soil just seems like so much extra work. :(
well its cheaper and alot easier...idk how its extra work???

didnt seem all that much too me, but worth the time in maintaince. chaining water is really easy to do. plus my plants seem to love it. my 2 mother plants are a foot tall in 4 weeks from seed! check my thread out and see for yourself.
you are doing verry well man good job

just browsed through this thread.
you are having some great progress.
hope to see more.
good luck.
thanks man

So waht soil do you think would be the best guys????? see above...... 4 choices:leaf:


Active Member
well its cheaper and alot easier...idk how its extra work???

you are doing verry well man good job

thanks man

So waht soil do you think would be the best guys????? see above...... 4 choices:leaf:

use foxfarm ocean forest soil.

and foxfarm big bloom, and tiger bloom nutes.

little more expensive, but will work miracles for you.


Active Member
soil is much easier than hydro by far!!!!

less chemicals wich results in chunkier, more dense buds, with strong aromas.

hydroponics has created some of the best cannbis ever but it will never come close to the taste, smell, or aroma of soil, or organics.


New Member
well i think im gonna go with the garden bloom with chicken manure for 3 of my plants and the seedling starter for the other two....what you all think??????????????????????? and will chicken manure and bat guano be good for the plants???


Well-Known Member
absolutely... there's 2 different types of guano that I use.

Mexican Bat Guano 10-2-0 For Veg

and Indonesian 0-13-0 for flower

gotta keep my shit organic and so far my plants have been loving me for it


New Member
no input?? come on guys im a noob with a fair share of problems lol...but wat dou you think about the soil? do you guys think it would be ok to move my whole system outside into a hidden spot for 24 hour becasue of the inspection? Also the fert i gave two of the plants looks to be doing good..!!

Just want some comments and ansers and opinions!!...


Well-Known Member
Your plants are pretty small still. Take down the lights and put the plants in a box somewhere. They'll be O.K for a day.


New Member
thanks freshheads....yeah ill find out the inspection date and put the plants in a cardboard box and hid them somewhere better and then put my setup and all the cords and light etc in the plastic bin and move that outside somewhere....

Ape Johnson

Active Member
Guess i was making my soil judgements off of my friend watching him flush soil and do transplants. Thats what i was talking about, and i keep hearing that soil bud is more dense and smells better. I hope i somehow break that trend and produce some sticky:)


New Member
i just read a grow and the motherfucker had less space, less light, and less effort and his plants were triple the size of mine at this stage



Well-Known Member
dude, if it's your first grow then you should just worry about getting your girls all the way to flower without killing them...get a couple grows under your belt and then you can compete on size with the rest of 'em :bigjoint:


New Member
yeah i guesss so man... but do you guys think it would be better for the plants to get moved outside in april and grow all the way until flowering in sept and oct. so there huge or just finish inside????? let me know

Ape Johnson

Active Member
Where do you live that you can put them outside? I wouldnt chance that, just leave it indoors under climate control systems.


Well-Known Member
ok yeah i am the same as your friend i live with my mom cuz im still in high school and its the same way...yeah im using the rubbermaid bin still..maybe i will just find out the day and then move the whole thing for like the day when they come..i just hope my mom doesnt find out even though i think she might know but just isnt saying anything cuz she usd to grow like 10 years ago...... thanks 4 your input
you need to go finish your math homework. good bye. :cuss: :fire:
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