First CFL grow very simple


MG soil mixed for drainage. Two 12 inch pots. two seperate reflectors one with a 150 watt cfl the other with two 100 watt cfls that put out 2000 lumens a piece. pride of amsterdam just planted yesterday no growth yet. white widow is 2 inches tall and has 3 or 4 leaves. one rolled u like a cigar but isn't dried out. thought mayb a Mg def? also one leaf is growing straight up whats up with that? any advice would be great and please be nice its my first grow


Active Member
you need more lights lots more
an pics
and i hope you arent talking about the new growth in the middle
"one leaf stickin straight up"


ya ha it just started growing up but as its getting bigger its laying down more so its looking normal. How much more light do i need to get i got two more 100 watt cfs just havnt got em hooked up and im only trying to grow a smaller plant no more than like 3 mayb 4 feet


Active Member
hook em up what good are they doing not hooked up?. you need all the light you can get you cant possibly have enough from what i understand. by the way we need some pics.


Active Member
ive heard of people growing on less wattage than that but it depends what you want to achieve. if you want loads of weed then you need more light but if its just a learning process for you then you dont need to get too big until you have more experience.

its all about what u want to achieve. 000


Ya this is def a learnin type thing jus want to get sum good or atleast semi good product at end. I'm moving n year and gunna set up real grow there but want to practice on a few before I spend money u know. Ill try to get pics up soon. The plant I think was stunted for bit but I sprayed like a 4th or less solution of nutes on leaves and it perked up and has new leaves and everything growin but the leaves are growin oddly like up and over top and odd directions is this due to shitty lighting? And lights aren't hooked up cause I have em in reflectors so need to figure out how I'm gunna hook more lights up. Ill put pics up on monday probably.


My white widow is growing...well...crazy the leaves look healthy and everything but looks like lil bush instead of layers is this cause lights to far away I have em probably 5 inches up with fan blowin btwn lght and plant