First CFL Grow

The plant is 6 days old. I am using a 55w 6500k cfl. I know that 6500k is for flowering but is it ok to use it now or shuld I switch to 2700k? I'm growing the plant in a good sized cardboard box lined with alluminum foil but I plan to take out the foil and paint the inside of the box flat white this weekend. The high for the humidity in the box is 52% and the low is 33%. The high for the temp is 90f and the low is 73f. I didn't think that the cfl would make it that hot in the box because the temp was about 75 wen the light was on before I had the foil inside. I cut out a flap to try to remove some heat but it only lowered it down 1 degree. I will add a fan this weekend wen I paint it.

These pics were taken wen the plant was about 4 days old.

Inside of box:



(I have the metal circle on the stem to make it grow low)






Well-Known Member
I believe that you can use either 2700k or 6500k for veg, but 6500k is usually recommended for the veg period. You can just mix them if you really want.


Active Member
No, you haven't. Almost every thread will show they use 6500k for vegetation and 2700k for flowering.


i've never heared that 2700 for Veg !!!! 6400 - 6500 Kelvin is highly recommended for veg stage ;)

its better if you use mylar than alominum foil , the safety blanket is made from mylar u can us it..

good luck
damn my bad, I had it all switched up. I knew that 2700 was for flowering and thats tha bulb i have, 2700k. I'm gonna take out tha aluminum foil and paint the inside flat white. Wat wuld happen if I just kept using the 2700k?


New Member
aluminium = bad, burns leafs and use 6400 6500K i always have a 2700K bulb in to complete spectrum in veg state
So it will be ok to keep using the 2700 if I just add sum 6500? And I was wondering if it is too soon to be training my plant with the metal ring?
Just took sum more pics. The second set of spike leaves have been growing for the past 2 or 3 days but you probably cant see them because the camera on my phone is shitty. The bigger spike leaves have been curving downwards and I dont know if thats a problem.



I took this one so everybody culd see how close the light is to the plant.



New Member
yeh if u have two daylights (6500K) use 1 warm light (2700K) i always use ration 2:1. Dunno about the right i never did a LST but i would say its abit early for ring dunno...


Active Member
for LSt or scrogg whatever u r doing if u put 5 or 6 nal or screws in the pot it is in on the outter side and just use yarnd or something to LSt... your method might suffocate it... and you r doing it a bit early becasue you can snap the stem very easiy or suffocate it... id say get it to split into 2 crown then hold them down and start from there!
for LSt or scrogg whatever u r doing if u put 5 or 6 nal or screws in the pot it is in on the outter side and just use yarnd or something to LSt... your method might suffocate it... and you r doing it a bit early becasue you can snap the stem very easiy or suffocate it... id say get it to split into 2 crown then hold them down and start from there!
I'm not just gonna go from a normal plant into a scrog grow. I'm going to do sum LST on it and top it when its time to. The stem isnt going to break from the ring. When the seedling was about 2 days the stem was really flexible so I put the ring on it so that the stem would grow horizontally and then grow vertically. The stem grew around the ring with no problem and the stem has gotten harder now. Last night I moved the light to about 7-8 inches away from the plant. The first set of spiked leaves are getting longer and the second set of spiked leaves are growin more now.
This morning a seedling sprouted from a germinated seed that I had planted a couple of days ago. Wen I first saw it about 13 hours ago it was just starting to come above the dirt, this is it now:


Both of the plants where in the same party cup so I transplanted the bigger one into a large mcdonalds cup and put the new one into a small pot:


Wen I was transplanting the plants I saw that the older plant had a lot of roots and thought that the mcdonalds cup would be better because its taller.

Heres a pic of the older plant that I took yesterday:


The second set of spiked leaves were starting to grow a little in that pic but today you can see them in tha pics that I took:
(this plant is about 10 days old now)


I got a 42w 6500k cfl yesterday but it wouldnt come on wen I put it into a light socket so I brought it back and exchanged it but the new one doesnt work either. Heres the bulb:
Just wanted to post on here to let people know that I'm still workin on this grow but am gonna wait for a lil while before I post pics but I have been takin pics everyday. I have the two plants in a closet under the 55w 2700k cfl and then 2 26w 6500k cfls. I added sum miracle grow 20-20-20 plant food about 2 days ago and the plants are growin more and not showin signs of nute burn.