First CFL Grow

Today wen its time for the lights to come on I'm goin to take and upload pics of the plants. Earlier today I noticed that one of the first set of spiked leaves has brown on it. Yesterday I noticed that the leaves felt dry to the touch but they didnt look dried out or anything, they looked healthy. I watered both of the plants because the soil was dry and I hope that fixes the problem. I found a 13w 2700k cfl the other day in my house so I threw it in with the other lights. I havnt been growing in that box for a while, I've been growin in a closet. I plan on building a new box sumtime very soon.
Yesterday I transplanted the plants into bigger pots with miracle grow moisture control or watever soil, and added 2 25w 6500k cfls. The younger plant has been drooping down and the bottom leaves have been getting a yellow tint and brown spots. I tried watering it more, cooling it down, watering it less, and it didn't change it so I cut the leaves off (the pics of the plant were taken before I clipped tha leaves). The plant is also growing at and angle for sum reason, and the angle that its growing at isnt towards the lights. I have also still been using sum miracle grow 20-20-20 plant food every friday.

I was thinking that maybe sum of the dropping is because the leaves are big compared to the other plant, but idk.





Well-Known Member
Its drooping because of the transplant. It should bounce back. If you can, try to raise the humidity. Next time try using some superthrive when you transplant. It helps a ton.


Active Member
it was drooping before I transplanted it
does the soil your using have nutes premixed into it? cause if it does and your still adding nutes, especially a 20-20-20, then what you could be seeing is the beggining of a over feeding problem. when plants are so small the require little water and less nutrients. id suggest laying off the nutes for two weeks and seeing where they are then. its always better to undershoot the nutrients by a little then overshoot them by a mile, especially when the plants still a baby :)
Hmm. Thats not good. Hope the transplant helps:leaf:.
I had the 2 plants in smaller pots and wen I took them out the roots had grown into a root ball and the roots of the younger one were growing into the bottom of the pot (it has these things that looks like vents in the bottom because its a pot that u water from the bottom). But the pots I'm usin now are alot bigger and are just regular pots.
does the soil your using have nutes premixed into it? cause if it does and your still adding nutes, especially a 20-20-20, then what you could be seeing is the beggining of a over feeding problem. when plants are so small the require little water and less nutrients. id suggest laying off the nutes for two weeks and seeing where they are then. its always better to undershoot the nutrients by a little then overshoot them by a mile, especially when the plants still a baby :)
I water and feed both the plants at the same time and they get about the same amount of everything. Neither of the plants have changed since I transplanted yesterday. The older plant never droops and never has any of the symptoms that the drooping plant has


Well-Known Member
I know under and over watering can make a plant droop like that. Over watering mostly all of the leaves will start to turn light green and yellow then wilt. Under watering the plant mostly wilts and dries out if serious. If you are able to give it B vitamins and hormones for the roots it will bounce right back. Try to get Superthrive or some kind of root enhancing formula in the future. It can fix a ton of problems.
I know under and over watering can make a plant droop like that. Over watering mostly all of the leaves will start to turn light green and yellow then wilt. Under watering the plant mostly wilts and dries out if serious. If you are able to give it B vitamins and hormones for the roots it will bounce right back. Try to get Superthrive or some kind of root enhancing formula in the future. It can fix a ton of problems.
I think that over watering was the problem. I have sum root hormone in powder form, culd I mix that in with the water and give it to the plant?


Well-Known Member
If you mean rooting powder or gel then no. The transplant will help it im sure. It seems healthy enough to bounce back. It may take a couple days.


Well-Known Member
It wont hurt. Try not to make clipping leaves a regular habit though. Clipping causes stress. You should only prune once or twice in the plants life. The plant can get nutrients from the leaves also.
It wont hurt. Try not to make clipping leaves a regular habit though. Clipping causes stress. You should only prune once or twice in the plants life. The plant can get nutrients from the leaves also.
ok thanks. I only clipped them off because they looked like they were dyin and I thought they were a waste of the plants energy
Damn good info in this thread already. Subd up because I'm about a month behind you. Just curious did you have the 42 watt over the soil from seed? If so how often did you water? I think mine baked last night sitting 6 inches away from them.
Damn good info in this thread already. Subd up because I'm about a month behind you. Just curious did you have the 42 watt over the soil from seed? If so how often did you water? I think mine baked last night sitting 6 inches away from them.
I started with one 55w 2700k cfl. I dnt remember how long I used it by itself for but if u read the posts in this thread I always update and tell wen I added new stuff. The plant that is lookin healthier is from a seed that I got from sum loud, and it was the only seed I had found since I started gettin it. The droppin plant came from sum mid that i bought. I have been adding lights since I started and right now I have one 55w 2700k, one 13w 2700k, and 4 26w 6500k cfls. The plants were started in sum shitty potting soil but now the plants are in sum miracle grow I found at walmart thats supposed to prevent over and under watering. I think over watering might be wats w\got my mid plant droopin