First CFL PC Grow Case (Short Rider & Northern Light)

G Project

Active Member
Later I will post some videos of the outdoor garden, for now I have pics...

i have some Q's...

they germinated indoors and have been 3 weeks indoors, then a transfer them outdoors, and in my country we are in Springfield and is supposed to harvest in September/October, but indoors they were in a 24/0 cycle and maybe the shock of so many darkness turn into a flowering stage... it will be any problem? it's because here we have at maximum 14h of day...


G Project

Active Member
Since is my first grow I cut her and trimmed... she smells bad where were more burned... I will try dry it and see how its the smokeless... and give me experience in the drying stage for the good harvest... thanks for your all advices.. I'm troubling in put pics here, I re.sized them so is not that


G Project

Active Member
was the bad one, the other is steel growing... I didn't weigh them, but maybe have 1 or 2 grams no more, because she was too young to be harvested but was the only thing that i could do to her... yesterday i smoke a joint with that weed but wasn't good, had the weed flavor and when burned has the weed smell too, but the effect was very little and very quickly...

G Project

Active Member
I don't think that this baby will be ready for harvest in 70-75 days, because Nirvana says that will have 8-9 weeks of flowering time. for now the trichoms are transparent and milky (the majority) and some amber... i will wait at least 10 more days, and from there i will check every day the trichoms.



Well-Known Member
she is looking really good man.10-12 days should be long enough, idk how you want it tho. When do you plan to chop? when trichs are 50/50 amber?

G Project

Active Member
I don't now yet. i don't have any experience in when i will harvest, so maybe when I see many trichs amber... i will try have many pics of trichs for you too help me. I'm thinking cut 1 bud in the next 3 or 4 days and cut again other bud after 3 or 4 days (in the time I think that she is ready) and the final cut after she is ready to see the difference, what do you think about that?


New Member
Lushish looking plant there dude. that's probably the best looking PC grow I've seen, and most efficient use of space as well. Those plants outside are fucking great looking, that's how a stealth grower does it man, congrats!

On a side note: I really have to disagree with a lot of bad things I've heard about short rider seeds, they're fcking great! They stay very small and bushy which is perfect, they are autoflowers, and they look to yield a decent amount. Hope to hear good things from your smoke report.

Here's my latest short riders: they got a little potassium deficiency but that seems to be fixed now.


G Project

Active Member
I did this microwave thing... I run it 4 times and the bud did't get dry enough for me but I tried anyway... I was surprised with this dry method, but of curse don't have the taste of a good dried weed and it isn't close!!! have a very little taste but the high is there, not very strong but better then much hash I smoked here....

If you are interested in the Microwave dried Bud here's the link:

I will let her grow for more 5 days to see how will the trichms be...



New Member
Nice lookin short rider dude. Probably the best lookin one I've seen on this forum so far! My short rider just started getting frosty, it's a nice thing. That is only 6 weeks into flower?! Damn!

PS did you LST yours?



Love the SR#2 man nice job. I'm 2 weeks in and one of my SR's is already starting to flower. I was wondering if you went 18/6 all the way through or if did u switched to 12/12 after it started to flower?

G Project

Active Member
Today was the final day of growing, I chop her and manicured. Now they are drying in the pc case with the fan on the minimum power level. The in take is below the buds and the exhaust are on the same level of the buds. the temp is 19ºC/66ºF. What you have to say about the drying process?

