First - CFL Scrog Micro Grow

T@ll T33

Well-Known Member
if you hay the money buy a mini flourux 150w hps alot of grow have been done with this light or the sun system 150s hps now the sun system is cheap but doesnt come with glass i suggest the flourex because it does have glass which will hold 805 of the heat in side of the ballast and exits out the venilation holes..... i think i found 1 for 105 ill get you link in a few....

as for you babies that sucks but should be able to perk back up when the light is on from the pics i know the 2 on the front left side will through........!!!!as for the others only time will tell!!

Nice setup though u got the plan man!!

T@ll T33

Well-Known Member
actually a complete 150w hps system will be cutting it close for your wide i know there 15 inches wide(most)

search aroung for150w econolight grows i have seen alot and there are nore cheaper than any get up 150w you need to do a little wireing and setup a cool tube because they are said to get very hot!!


Well-Known Member
The picture is of the little 150w HPS that I already own. Do you think it will help? I just don't think I have room for anymore lights. It is already getting 12000 Lumens from the CFLs. Right now I am just planning on using it in another box. If I put it and the CFLs in I would be at 24000 to 26000 Lumens.

Here is something I have to know. Several of them look like real shit. Could this have been caused by the replant that I gave them yesterday? Any ideas on how to make them happy again? Magic nutes or something? Thanks.

