first clones

hello.i just cloned my plants,first time I have ever cloned anything. ive had the clones around for 3-4 days or so, they are in rockwool,treated with rooting gel. I have been misting the cuttings with water once in a while,2-3 times a day. two clones look slightly wilted, am i over misting,undermisting. do they like being misted.please give me any advice on clone care.


Well-Known Member
I find the answer to be mist only when you absolutely must and
keep your medium moist. You're really just keeping the cutting alive at this point.
Until your clones develope a root system they intake nutrients
via misting of the leaves. You want them to start
pushing out roots and if they are "fed" everything they need via misting,
they'll just continue to intake through the leaves, or at the least be slow to
develop a root system.


Active Member
Also, Keep in mind when dealing with clones that they do not need much light, but more heat & humidity. Make sure your humidity is at least around 50%, my clones room temp run about 88-92F. :leaf:


Active Member
hello.i just cloned my plants,first time I have ever cloned anything. ive had the clones around for 3-4 days or so, they are in rockwool,treated with rooting gel. I have been misting the cuttings with water once in a while,2-3 times a day. two clones look slightly wilted, am i over misting,undermisting. do they like being misted.please give me any advice on clone care.

You might want to also cut then larger fan leaves on the the clones in half. This will slow down transpiration and induce more roots to grow. The cutting only needs a small area of leaf material to photosynthize.


Well-Known Member
Check out my thread on cloning, unless your going to use rockwool throughout I would look into a differnet medium (JIffy Pelets), according to some books I've read clones need around 95% humidty and an adjustable dome is the quickest/eastiest solution there (holes in plastic tuperware with a few small holes if you don't have access to dome).

I also spray with a 10% streght solution of Roots Excellurater (you can use any comprable product, i just cant verify the results) or a full strength compost tea is great! Cloning is really easy, and a great way to keep a fresh supply of top shelf strains...