First Closet CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
Here. There was a better link cause this oone is actually missing a picture of one stage. str8 up n milky, str8 up n clear, str8 up n amber, bent over n amber. Take a look just by what the trichs look like you kno what kinda high u'll get


HAHA i kno what ur thinking lmfao.. its not what it looks like.. Nvm u cant actually see the link.
I think of mushrooms when I see those pictures...what do you see, SICKO! :-o
lol nah im jk. Here's another reference, like enigma says : <3 sharing!!

Thanks for the info bro!!

I'd start the harvest with the lowest branches first. Let the cola(s) stay in longer since they will produce the largest amount of bud.

Besides, if you remove the lower buds the plant will no longer have those to focus on and will put all of its energies into the top!


Sweet well the bottom part is extremely bushy, so that will be an awesome idea! Once those buds start filling in and looking crystally I'll harvest the bottom half. I'll leave the 2 main colas to beast up!

I'm sure you've seen 3 colas in the pictures, but technically I only have 2. One of the ones that look like a cola is actually the very 1st branch on the bottom of the plant. It's amazing, I'll actually have to take a close up of it, it's so insane!!


Well-Known Member
Sweet well the bottom part is extremely bushy, so that will be an awesome idea! Once those buds start filling in and looking crystally I'll harvest the bottom half. I'll leave the 2 main colas to beast up!

I'm sure you've seen 3 colas in the pictures, but technically I only have 2. One of the ones that look like a cola is actually the very 1st branch on the bottom of the plant. It's amazing, I'll actually have to take a close up of it, it's so insane!!
CFL's do like to make those ladies grow some bush down south!



I've topped two plants and fimmed another.. one plant went in four main directions while the other only went in two!

When the nutes and fan arrive it will be flower-power time!

I just hate looking at that box.. 600w of flower-power and no where to go!


Well-Known Member
ya i beat ya ;P Check lower ;P
haha quick draw! nice to see you had it also!

CFL's do like to make those ladies grow some bush down south!
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA Dood I just spewed my drink all over my coffee table. Thank you for that great laugh haha! I'm about to go post a picture of that lower branch, its definently a sight!!

Holy Crap I posted that and there were like 4 posts with pictures that beat me lmao...
I think he will know now pretty well Hahaha
lmao we had like 4 people submitting threads all within 30 second incraments! *if thats how you spell it*


Well-Known Member
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA Dood I just spewed my drink all over my coffee table. Thank you for that great laugh haha! I'm about to go post a picture of that lower branch, its definently a sight!!
Bad ass!

Apollogies about the coffee table!

I'd love to see up her skirt!



New Member
Alright everyone a little more pictures for ya. It's day 30 in flowering. The buds are really starting to pop out around this baby. I turned the HPS for a min to take some clear pictures.

Does the droop look bad on the leaves, or is this normal??

The last one, is a wide angle shot I took of the bottom.
the leaf droop dosent look bad. the only thing I see that I would be worried about would be the curling under of the edges of the leaves....but thats usually to do with watering schedules, not a big deal @ all.

shes filling in for ya man, And im glad to see it. she actually looks like shell yield a good bit, hope so as her stalks look big enough to support the weight


Well-Known Member
K heres the branch at the bottom of the plant that looks like a cola lol.

Heres the Bottom

Heres the Middle

Heres the Top

All in all its 3.6 feet long lol.


Well-Known Member
the leaf droop dosent look bad. the only thing I see that I would be worried about would be the curling under of the edges of the leaves....but thats usually to do with watering schedules, not a big deal @ all.

shes filling in for ya man, And im glad to see it. she actually looks like shell yield a good bit, hope so as her stalks look big enough to support the weight
Thanks for the support kochab!! You mentioned the watering schedule. Is it because it's getting used to it, or because I'm over/underwatering??


Well-Known Member
Ya shoulda been trimming the lower third by now!!!!

Peep my journal.. some pics in there with the stalks bare a 1/3 up.


Well-Known Member
I did I added more hydrocs so you can't really see the bottom. If I harvest that lower branch first is it going to hurt/kill the rest of the plant?


Well-Known Member
Some are even too small to harvest i have some shooting out soo far under that they arent getting any light so they are just wiltin so i cut em off for clones.