First Closet CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
:weed:Update Day 57 Flowering/96 Days from Veg:weed:

Nutes in Resevoir:



Nothing much to add besides, shes a fucking beast! I've never seen a plant of this size with my own eyes. I can only imagine how big it would be if I didn't tie them down. Here's a few pics.



Well-Known Member
Looking fucking amazing as always tool, thats how we roll man! HA, ur doing a great job with this what once looks like a skinny stretched plant :P Now shes a fucking jungle in ur closet man hahah!! Anyway ya shits going alright here, i mean i'm playing the waiting game, so i mostly forget what actually happeened, until later. Getting 7500 together for my lawyer, still waiting for good news, doesnt go quite as fast as the shows :-x


Well-Known Member
Looking fucking amazing as always tool, thats how we roll man! HA, ur doing a great job with this what once looks like a skinny stretched plant :P Now shes a fucking jungle in ur closet man hahah!! Anyway ya shits going alright here, i mean i'm playing the waiting game, so i mostly forget what actually happeened, until later. Getting 7500 together for my lawyer, still waiting for good news, doesnt go quite as fast as the shows :-x
Thanks man yeah shes growing like a beast. That waiting game must suck! How much longer till your court date? You can get $7500 a lot easier then you think. Banks hand out loans like candy for situations like this!! Go get a personal loan, you might get hit with a little higher of an interest then you would want. But you'll get your money in a timely manner! Hope everything goes ok with it bro, and to let you know, my offer still stands.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man yeah shes growing like a beast. That waiting game must suck! How much longer till your court date? You can get $7500 a lot easier then you think. Banks hand out loans like candy for situations like this!! Go get a personal loan, you might get hit with a little higher of an interest then you would want. But you'll get your money in a timely manner! Hope everything goes ok with it bro, and to let you know, my offer still stands.
Always appericated man!! Ur a great friend :P . Ya thats where i'm getting my money from is my local credit union. I'm not sure of the interest yet, i want my fucking lawyer to call me to tell me he found out teh warrant was invalid. Man i'd fucking shit myself i'd be soo happy!! LOL anyway *passes :joint::joint: to tool* Yo man I might just let you kno after all this shit is taken care of n i'm done wit w/e punishment it may be if any at all, just to get teh fuck away from it all. Thanks soo much , not many people are that giving. Man ur plant makes me sad hahah, she looks massive, i cant wait to see the smoke you pull from her man!! My cherry tomatoes are coming along nicely :) lol


New Member
:weed:Update Day 57 Flowering/96 Days from Veg:weed:

Nutes in Resevoir:



Nothing much to add besides, shes a fucking beast! I've never seen a plant of this size with my own eyes. I can only imagine how big it would be if I didn't tie them down. Here's a few pics.
looking more beautiful everyday now. Shes really bulking up nicely...


Well-Known Member
Always appericated man!! Ur a great friend :P . Ya thats where i'm getting my money from is my local credit union. I'm not sure of the interest yet, i want my fucking lawyer to call me to tell me he found out teh warrant was invalid. Man i'd fucking shit myself i'd be soo happy!! LOL anyway *passes :joint::joint: to tool* Yo man I might just let you kno after all this shit is taken care of n i'm done wit w/e punishment it may be if any at all, just to get teh fuck away from it all. Thanks soo much , not many people are that giving. Man ur plant makes me sad hahah, she looks massive, i cant wait to see the smoke you pull from her man!! My cherry tomatoes are coming along nicely :) lol
haha np man, just hit me up if ya ever get the time. I'm hoping for ya everything goes well! We can only hope the system will work for you. Prayers are with ya bro!!

Man thats awfully hard water you got there Toolage.
But Stretchette sure seems to like it!
Yeah it is very hard. But she wasn't bulking up that much so I'm only giving her this much for the next 5 days. Then I will start bringing down the ppm down to 1400 for 2 weeks. Then I will flush with balanced ph water for the next 2 weeks, maybe shorter if she looks ready. I figure it might stress the plant if I go from high PPM to just water, so I'm going to slowly take down the PPM to the day it starts to be flushed. But she definently loves Dutchmaster nutes. They gaurantee a 40% bigger yeild, and it sure does look like it lol!

edit: I think I get what you mean. My water isn't actually 1700ppm by itself. It's that with the nutrients in there. When I post Nutes in Resevoir, i mean stuff I add that day. There are still nutes in my resevoir. I'm not to sure if thats what you were directing, but I think thats the way I re-read it lmao! :joint: so high!

looking more beautiful everyday now. Shes really bulking up nicely...
Yeah bro she really is. I wish I could get my next grow off the ground, but I don't want to start anything until I have everything perfect in the op.

More pictures below.
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Well-Known Member
Pics keep getting better n better haha how tall do you reckon she is now man? If she was grown outdoors in perfect environment i hate to think how big she'd get!


Well-Known Member
yeah dude was just teasing (I'm in a joker mood this morning)
It said None for nutes and PPM1700 is what I was gettin at lol

Yeah better to ween her from the nutes your right.
although I doubt stress is a problem at this point

Are you going to use the Dutch Masters Flush (whatever it is?)
[edit] I just looked at their site and they dont make a "flushing" agent that I can see.[edit]

I was going to maybe try the Van de Zwaan Drip Clean next grow.
It kinda flushes extra nutes during the entire grow almost eliminating flushing at the end other than maybe a week of just water.
In fact I just decided to use their products for my entire next grow. lol

Meanwhile I think I will use a flush of some sort (General Hydroponics FloraKleen) most likely.
Keeping to ALL GH nutrients and supplements this time around.
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Well-Known Member
dude shes looking beautiful man :( AHHH i'm jealous lmfao !#@% arg ,i 'm smoknig some fire tho lol


Well-Known Member
Pics keep getting better n better haha how tall do you reckon she is now man? If she was grown outdoors in perfect environment i hate to think how big she'd get!
She'd probably be 12 feet tall if she was outside lmao. Right now she's probably 4 feet tall. If she wasn't tied down it'd be close to 7 feet, maybe more. I'm definently expecting over an ounce on her lol.

Yeah better to ween her from the nutes your right.
although I doubt stress is a problem at this point

I was going to maybe try the Van de Zwaan Drip Clean next grow.
It kinda flushes extra nutes during the entire grow almost eliminating flushing at the end other than maybe a week of just water.
In fact I just decided to use their products for my entire next grow. lol

Meanwhile I think I will use a flush of some sort (General Hydroponics FloraKleen) most likely.
Keeping to ALL GH nutrients and supplements this time around.
Thanks for that helpful info alto. I'm definently going to pick up some of that FloraKleen. You said stress isn't much of an issue at this point. Is there a part of growing where you can basically not make it hermie. I know there is no light leaks intruding the grow op, but I do turn the lights off for a couple of minutes to take these pictures. I'm not to sure if that will make it hermie, but I don't interupt the dark period just the light period.

dude shes looking beautiful man :( AHHH i'm jealous lmfao !#@% arg ,i 'm smoknig some fire tho lol
hell yeah bro, i got some fire myself. :joint: passes. Hopefuly I won't have to worry about purchasing from sketchy dealers once I'm done with this crop!


Well-Known Member
:weed:Update Day 58 Flowering/97 Days from Veg:weed:

Nutes Added in Resevoir:
13 drops Ph Down



She's doing good, I haven't had to tie her down for awhile. I think she has finally stopped growth and is focusing all of her energy on bud growth.

Will be changing water in 3 more days and changin the ppm down to 1500.



Well-Known Member
Wow they are coming along nicely, day by day, you can just see the difference. MmMm Looks soo good! ;) lol great job man. I've been keepin myself busy with my cherry tomatoes, peppers, n other lil plants I have started taking care of, even some palm tree thingys in my yard. I got that loan for my lawyer from my credit union yesterday man, sending it today I Think. Hope for teh best wit this shit, well defkeep u updated. I'll be here supporting till I can finally grow again, or join you n help u out lmfao ;) Great job so far on this grow, and i'm sure ur others will be just as good, if not better.


Well-Known Member
Wow they are coming along nicely, day by day, you can just see the difference. MmMm Looks soo good! ;) lol great job man. I've been keepin myself busy with my cherry tomatoes, peppers, n other lil plants I have started taking care of, even some palm tree thingys in my yard. I got that loan for my lawyer from my credit union yesterday man, sending it today I Think. Hope for teh best wit this shit, well defkeep u updated. I'll be here supporting till I can finally grow again, or join you n help u out lmfao ;) Great job so far on this grow, and i'm sure ur others will be just as good, if not better.
Thanks for the compliments and support!

yeah man best of luck to you with everything, sucks it had to come down to a loan.

I should be getting my 5 Northern Lights feminised seeds in the next 7 days. I will start germing hopefully in the next 3 weeks.

Looking gooooood T! Hows she smelling?!
Thanks bro I love waking up every morning to see how much they have progressed!!! They are smelling wonderful. It's amazing how the smell is staying mainly in the closet. I figured it would be reaking out the whole room but it's not.

I should have another picture update in the next few hours, stay tuned!


New Member
:weed:Update Day 58 Flowering/97 Days from Veg:weed:

Nutes Added in Resevoir:
13 drops Ph Down



She's doing good, I haven't had to tie her down for awhile. I think she has finally stopped growth and is focusing all of her energy on bud growth.

Will be changing water in 3 more days and changin the ppm down to 1500.
you and her are doing a great job toolage. keep it up. I was thinking when I saw these pictures that you could definatly take the pics from your updates and make some kinda slide show with them and see MAJOR improvement between each of them, when someone right after you updated said something about that. lol
Arent you sooo much happier now that your gonna be able to see her run her full flower, I know canceling the cruise sucks but @ least now u get something for it.


Well-Known Member
you and her are doing a great job toolage. keep it up. I was thinking when I saw these pictures that you could definatly take the pics from your updates and make some kinda slide show with them and see MAJOR improvement between each of them, when someone right after you updated said something about that. lol
Arent you sooo much happier now that your gonna be able to see her run her full flower, I know canceling the cruise sucks but @ least now u get something for it.
haha yeah thegigglepimp did that in his journal as well. I think when I get some more free time I'll definently make that. I am definently excited about letting her grow out, but it's ok about the cruise I'm going to Vegas soon enough. Thanks for your support Kochab!! I have a question coming up!


Well-Known Member
Alright, I've decided to go ahead and change the water today while I have time. I will be going out of town this weekend and won't be back till Monday. So, I wanted to make sure that water levels wouldn't get too low while I'm gone.

Before I add water in my resevoir, I was wanting to ask a question. There are a bunch of lower branches that aren't getting that much light. The bud's are very small and I was wondering if it was safe to cut them off. There are probably about 5-8 small branches that I would like to cut off and maybe 1 of them is a decent sized branch, but it's at the very bottom.

I have a picture below that has 2 of the bigger branches circled. Any input on whether it is safe to cut these off would be appreciated. I don't want to put them under too much stress, or even make them go hermie at this point. Thanks alot everyone!!

